Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 488 I Hope Song Rui's Life Is Better than Death 3

Chapter 488 I Hope Song Rui's Life Is Better than Death 3
He explained directly, "Song Qi, you don't need to ask me how I know, I know that your relationship with Prince Rui is very good, if you don't want to believe me, then forget it."

When the Qi Palace was on fire that day, she met Song Rui outside, and she knew that the two had a close relationship.

In fact, regarding the throne, it is understandable that Song Qi wants to fight for it.

But regarding Song Rui, it is normal for Song Qi not to want to hurt him.

Those hatreds, after all, have nothing to do with the people in front of them.

Before Su Wan finished thinking, Song Rui directly interrupted her thoughts, "I trust you."

Su Wan was slightly surprised, "You, you don't want to ask?"

She thought that at least Song Qi would have to ask some questions, or know some reasons before he would believe her.

With such unconditional trust, Su Wan felt a long-lost sense of respect.

Suddenly, Su Wan felt more and more guilty about concealing from Song Qi in her heart.

But, she couldn't tell Song Qi directly about these things.

Because no one would believe such a fantasy.

Even sometimes, even she herself doubts whether these things are true or not.

But at the moment, Su Wan decided that it would be better to clarify with Song Qi, "Song Qi, I can't explain too much to you, but I just want to tell you that the final throne, I hope it belongs to you. Absolutely, it cannot fall into Song Rui's hands."

Song Rui felt a chill in his heart, but he still kept a helpless smile on his face, "Why?"

Su Wan gritted her teeth, "If, if someone else becomes the emperor in the end, you will definitely be persecuted. Moreover, even if I die, I will not allow him to take that position."

Even if it is dead...

Song Rui's face changed after all, and he tried his best to vent his emotions in a place where Su Wan could not see.

"Song Qi, do you know what it feels like to fall from heaven to hell? I just want him to feel the feeling of not getting what he wants. The thing that he pursued all his life falls into the hands of others. This feeling should be worse than death."

Song Rui's heart finally sank to the bottom.

The voice was as cold as water, "Su Wan, do you hate him?"

Su Wan was not surprised to hear Song Qi's question.

No matter how dull a person is, after hearing her say so much, she knows that there is something wrong.

But right now, she doesn't intend to hide it.

Just because of what Song Qi said just now, believe her, she is not willing to hide anything.

She has nothing to repay Song Qi for her unconditional tolerance and trust.

So now, Su Wan admitted, "Yes, I hate him."

"It's a stronger hatred than the Su Mansion, but I don't have the ability to let him die. What's more, death is the best relief for a person. I don't want to see him so easy. What I want is him. Life is better than death."

Song Rui was holding a teacup in his hand. At this moment, he finally couldn't hold back and crushed the teacup directly.

With a 'click', Su Wan's consciousness was pulled back directly.

Song Rui's fingertips even shed blood.


Su Wan suddenly panicked, completely forgot what she said just now, and hurriedly ran to Song Rui, "Song Qi, how are you?"

Did she say something wrong?
Su Wan's face turned pale, and while tearing off the cloth strips on her body to bandage Song Rui, she said, "Song Qi, I'm sorry, I know you and Song Rui have a good relationship, but the opposite will come, I don't want to lie to you. "

(End of this chapter)

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