Rebirth of the Wasted: The Emperor Go Away

Chapter 491 Since I Promise, I Will Do It 1 In My Life

Chapter 491 Since I Promise, I Will Do It Forever 1
Song Rui panicked immediately, and couldn't help but test Su Wan's body temperature, which was considered normal.

He knew that he was emotional today, even if he forcibly suppressed it in front of Su Wan, he couldn't resist his inner demons after all.

Can't help but toss her almost to death.

When I wake up tomorrow, Su Wan must blame him...

But he...

Now that Su Wan is in a coma, Song Rui couldn't restrain his emotions after all, and murmured over and over again, "I'm sorry, Su Wan, this article is sorry for you..."

Punish him in any way, just don't leave him...

The next day, when Su Wan woke up, it was as if all the bones in her body had been torn apart, and a burning pain in her lower body rushed straight to her forehead.

When I moved my fingers, I felt pain all over my body.

Su Wan turned her head, but there was no one beside her.Gritting his teeth, he took a deep breath to ease the pain in his body.

Yesterday's Song Qi didn't know why he went crazy, he really tossed her directly to death.

It was even worse than when it was the first night.

Fortunately, apart from the pain, she felt very comfortable all over. It should be Song Qi who cleaned it up for herself.

But where did the Song Qi people go?
Su Wan gritted her teeth and tried to prop herself up and sit up, but it was in vain.

Lying on the bed, staring blankly, with anger in his heart, is Song Qi so angry just because she mentioned Song Rui yesterday?

Angrily gave her to...

Before Su Wan's thoughts were over, the door was already pushed open.

Song Qi was dressed in dark clothes and came in with a tray. Su Wan's eyes turned away, and she closed her eyes not wanting to look at him.

It was expected that Su Wan would react like this, Song Rui didn't find it strange.

When I helped Su Wan clean up early this morning, seeing her scars getting worse, I must feel guilty.

But the wound on her body can't be without medicine, if not, it will be more serious.

Gently sat next to Su Wan, broke her body, and comforted her softly, "Su Wan, get up and apply the medicine. If you are angry, use the medicine first."

This was the first time he heard Su Wan's hatred for him.

It was clearly something he knew all along, but when he really heard Su Wan say it, he really couldn't bear that kind of hatred.

Su Wan reached out and slapped Song Rui's palm off, endured the pain and turned over, wrapping her body in the brocade quilt.

She didn't have any clothes on her body until now, and this posture was really at a disadvantage.

What's more, she couldn't help being tossed about, and she was really angry.

Last night, he almost cried and begged for mercy, his voice was almost hoarse, but the people in front of him still refused to let him go.

Song Rui gently turned Su Wan around.

Su Wan was so weak that she couldn't hold back Song Rui at all, and was easily controlled by him.

Su Wan's heart tensed up, her whole body tensed up, her lips turned pale with fright.Close your eyes and dare not look at him.

She admitted that she was indeed afraid.

It's been a long time since I felt this way.

Song Rui noticed Su Wan's fear at a glance, his heart tightened, and he patted Su Wan's cheek lightly, "Su Wan, I'm sorry, if you are angry, you can beat and scold me, don't use your body to make fun of it."

Su Wan felt aggrieved when she heard Song Qi's usual gentle remarks.

Still ignore him.

Song Qi sighed, after all, he understood Su Wan's temper, so he liked to argue with him so much.

(End of this chapter)

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