Chapter 102 Xiao Yun and Wu Mo

"Go and invite my sister." Wu Yuan ordered a servant to invite his sister.

"See Mr. Wu." Jiang Yuan knew that although she was Wu Yuan's aunt, he was now the magistrate, so she bowed and knelt on the ground.

"Get up quickly." Wu Yuan helped Jiang Yuan up, "Since she is my sister's aunt, it must be my aunt."

"I didn't expect you to grow up so big." Jiang Yuan looked at Wu Yuan and said.

"I seem to have seen you when I was young, aunt." Wu Yuan helped Jiang Yuan onto the chair.

"I watched you grow up, and then you and your sister left." Jiang Yuan said. "Where's your sister?"

"Sister, I ordered someone to invite you."

"Is she really your sister?"

"Of course my sister."

"Didn't you talk to her?" Jiang Yuan was interrupted before she could finish her sentence.

"Auntie?" A plainly dressed woman walked into the hall, "Is that really you?"

"Xi'er?" Jiang Yuan was very happy to see the woman.

"Auntie." Jiang Xi'er hugged Jiang Yuan, "I never thought I could see you."

"Xi'er, I didn't expect to see you again." Jiang Yuan wiped her tears and said to Jiang Xi'er.

Han Quce and Lu Yu looked at Jiang Yuan and Jiang Xi'er, and they looked at each other, whether they were disturbing others by standing there.

"Master Wu, congratulations on your family reunion." Lu Yu smiled.

"Master Lu laughed." Wu Yuan cupped his hands and said with a smile.

"Who is this?" Jiang Xi'er looked at Lu Yu.

"Sister, this is Mr. Lu, prefect of Lu."

"The women have met Mr. Lu." Jiang Xi'er saluted.

"You don't have to be polite." Lu Yu smiled.

"Yuan'er, your aunt and I still have a lot to talk about." Jiang Xi'er said to Wu Yuan.

"Then you and your aunt go down and have a good chat. I'll stay here with Mr. Lu." Wu Yuan smiled.

Jiang Yuan and Jiang Xi'er saluted Lu Yu and went down.

"Master Wu, why don't we go and see Wu Mo." Lu Yu said.

"Okay." Wu Yuan smiled, leading Lu Yu and Han Quce.Xia Yan went to Wu Mo's room.

Ink ink. "Wu Quan brought Xiao Yun to Wu Mo's room, Xiao Yun looked at Wu Mo's pale face, lay on the bed, and touched Wu Mo's face distressedly.

"You're here, Brother Yun." Wu Mo said weakly as he lay on the bed dying.

"Yes, I'm here." Seeing Wu Mo's sickness, Xiao Yun almost burst into tears.

"Brother Yun, why are you crying?" Wu Mo wiped away the tears from the corners of Xiao Yun's eyes with his small hand.

"I'm happy." Xiao Yun grabbed Wu Mo's little hand.

Wu Mo also laughed, "I'm also very happy to see Brother Yun."

"Master, here comes the medicine." A little maid came in with the medicine.

Xiao Han pulled Xiao Yun away, "Yun'er, after he finishes taking the medicine, you are talking to him, okay?"

Xiao Yun nodded obediently, "Okay."

Wu Mo drank the medicine and finished it without leaking a drop.

Xiao Yun ran to Wu Mo's side, "Mo Mo is so powerful, he doesn't feel bitter after taking the medicine."

"Brother Yun, I'm used to it." Wu Mo smiled, with a hint of bitterness in his smile.

"Mo'er, have you finished your medicine?" Wu Yuan pushed the door open and entered, "Master Lu, please."

(End of this chapter)

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