Chapter 105 Jiang Yuan and Jiang Xier
"Why did Lord Lu say that?" Wu Yuan didn't know why Lu Yu would ask his sister, it was really strange.

Lu Yu glanced at Han Quce, Han Quce nodded, and Lu Yu said to Wu Yuan, "To be honest, Mr. Wu is like this. Xiao Yun and Mr. Wu got acquainted at the wedding of Mr. Wu last time."

"That's right." Wu Yuan nodded.

"Later, Mr. Wu gave Xiao Yun a sachet." Han Quce continued, "But this sachet."

"What's wrong with this sachet?" Wu Yuan asked.


"Poisonous?" Wu Yuan was taken aback.

"Yes, Yun'er was seriously ill. Later, the doctor said that Yun'er got sick and was poisoned because of smelling the sachet for a long time."

"This, how could this be... Did the doctor read it wrong?" Wu Yuan asked in disbelief.

"Later, we took the sachet and asked many doctors, and they all said that Yun'er was poisoned because of the sachet." Lu Yu explained.

"This, could it be that someone wants to harm Mo'er, this, how is this possible?"

"Maybe it's just an accident, because it's okay to smell this flower once in a while, but if you smell it for a long time, you will be poisoned." Han Quce said.

"This sachet was given to him by his aunt. I think his aunt won't harm him." Wu Yuan said firmly.

"We didn't doubt Mrs. Jiang either." Lu Yu smiled. "It's just that I told Mr. Wu about the sachet."

"It's okay, Mr. Lu is only thinking about being an official," Wu Yuan said. "Thank you, Master Lu and Master Han."

Jiang Xi'er took Jiang Yuan back to the room, dismissed all the maids, Jiang Xi'er looked at Jiang Yuan, couldn't help but hugged Jiang Yuan and cried bitterly, "Auntie."

Jiang Yuan hugged Jiang Xi'er, "My poor Xi'er."

"Auntie, why did you come here?" Jiang Xi'er asked.

"I, I escaped. I was in the Reflection Hall and heard about you. I heard that Yuan'er became an official in Qingzhou. I just wanted to meet you, so I escaped." Jiang Yuan said.

"Auntie, you have suffered." Jiang Xi'er wiped away tears.

"Have suffered so much without you, child."

"I. Auntie." Jiang Xi'er cried out with bitterness and resentment.

"Xi'er, don't cry, haven't you come to the end of all hardships? Yuan'er has become an official."

Xi'er shook her head, "I'm still his sister."

"What, you didn't marry him."

"I. How do I say it?"

"Xi'er. My poor Xi'er. How did you get here these days?"

"I got through it day by day." Xi'er cried.

"Your life is worse than mine."

"Auntie, let's not talk about this anymore, you should take a good rest as you are traveling all the way."

"I'm fine. I feel at ease when I see you."

"Auntie, you are the only one who treats me well in this world."

"Xi'er." Jiang Yuan shook her head.

"Miss, the young master invites you to have dinner in the front hall." A little maid knocked on the door respectfully and said.

"Okay, I'll be right there." Xi'er turned to Jiang Yuan and said, "Auntie, let's go eat."

"Okay. Excuse me."

"What did Auntie say, how could it be an interruption, Auntie, let's go." Jiang Xi'er wiped away her tears, and took Jiang Yuan to the front hall for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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