Chapter 108 I want a birthday present

"I...I can't sleep..." Wu Mo said timidly. He has changed several mothers, and each mother is different. Some treat him coldly, while others don't care about her. What kind of mother is that right?

"Then let me tell you a story." Madam Wu smiled, looking at the child in front of her with indescribable pity.

"You can tell stories?" Wu Mo looked at Mrs. Wu and said in surprise.

"Well, but this is an old story."

"It's okay." Wu Mo shook his head, "No one has told me a story yet."

"That's good. I'll tell you." Mrs. Wu told the story slowly, while patting Wu Mo gently with her hand, coaxing Wu Mo to sleep.

Wu Mo's upper and lower eyelids were sleepy, and he slowly fell asleep. Mrs. Wu covered him with the quilt, exited the room lightly, and went to make medicine for Wu Mo herself.

Wu Yuan sent Lu Yu and Han Quce out the door.

"Master Wu, does this doctor often treat Mr. Wu?" Lu Yu asked.

"Yes, this is the doctor I found for him. At the beginning, Mo'er improved, but then the improvement became worse and worse." Wu Yuan shook his head.

"Master Wu, haven't you thought about changing doctors?" Han Quce said from the side.

"Change doctor? I really haven't thought about it."

"Master Wu, I know a genius doctor, how about letting him see Mr. Wu?" Han Quce said with a smile.

Han Quce felt that Hu Langzhong didn't look so reliable, like a charlatan, he himself liked children very much, and couldn't bear to see Wu Mo die at such a young age, remembering that the doctor was okay last time, so He introduced it to Wu Yuan.

"Well, this is naturally good, no matter how much it is." Wu Yuan said happily, as long as Wu Yuan can cure his son now, he only needs his son to live.

"It doesn't cost much, just let Mr. Wu come to visit in person." Han Quce said.

"Is. Well. I don't know when?" Wu Yuan didn't understand at first, but as long as his son can be cured, it will be fine.

"Three days later, the Lu residence." Han Quce said.

"Okay, that's why I will definitely bring the child to the door." Wu Yuan cupped his hands in thanks.

Han Quce, Lu Yu, Xia Yan and Xiao Han brought Xiao Yun back to the Yamen.Axiu and Ahu were sitting in the hall, Axiu saw them coming back, "My lord, master, you are back."

"My lord, Master." Ah Hu also stepped forward to greet him.

"En." Lu Yu nodded. "Ahu, Axiu, why are you here?"

"We just came back and went shopping for vegetables with Mrs. Song," Axiu said.

"Why buy vegetables at this time?" Xia Yan asked.

"Isn't it your lord's birthday? Mrs. Song said she wanted to celebrate it, so she dragged us to shop early in the morning and place an order, but I was exhausted." Axiu sat on a chair and drank water.

"That's right, my mother said to congratulate, thank you Lord Lu." Ah Hu said.

"This is really thankful to Mrs. Song." Lu Yu said, "It makes me feel embarrassed."

"You are so thick-skinned, why are you embarrassed?" Han Quce laughed.

"Pfft." Everyone laughed.

"Thick-skinned adults." Xiao Yun sat on Xiao Han's lap and smiled.

Everyone laughed again.

"Okay, everyone is tired today, let's go early." Lu Yu sighed, and his wife had to bear it.

"Yes, my lord." Everyone got up and went back to the room, and dispersed.

"A Qu, let's go back to the room too." Lu Yu took Han Quce's hand and led him back to the room.

"Okay." Han Quce nodded.

The two walked back to the room slowly.

"A Qu, who do you plan to ask to cure Wu Mo's illness?"

"Just let the old doctor who treated Yun'er last time."

"Him? Is he okay?"

"He is also an old doctor in the palace."

"Why did you suddenly think of changing Wu Mo's doctor?"

"I always feel that this Hu Langzhong is unreliable." Han Quce thought of the wicked Hu Langzhong, thinking about it, he was unreliable.

"Why do you suddenly care about him?" Lu Yu asked strangely.

"It's a child after all."

"Ah Qu, you are really kind."

"Do you have the heart to see Wu Mo like this?"

Lu Yu shook his head, "I really can't bear it. Then why did you let them come back for three days?"

"I just said it casually." Han Quce spread his hands.


"what happened?"

"It's okay. It will be my birthday in a few days."


"Why didn't you respond at all?"

"How should I react?"

"That's right. I don't know either." Lu Yu lowered his head and sighed, "Hey."

"I'm so grown up, I still want a gift."

"Of course I do. This is my first birthday present from you."

"So important?"

"of course.."

"Then I'll think about it!"

"it is good!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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