Chapter 119 The Snake Broth Disturbance
Ever since Lu Yu ate Han Quce, Lu Yu looked at him as if he saw meat. He was so frightened that Han Quce went as far as he could go. Every time he was stared at by Lu Yu, he got goosebumps, and Han Quce ran away wiping cold sweat .

Han Quce came out of the room wiping cold sweat, and hurried out of the room avoiding Lu Yu's eyes and saliva.

"Hey." Han Quce lowered his head and accidentally bumped into Xia Yan who was walking, and the weak Han Quce bumped into the strong Xia Yan, making Han Quce dizzy.

"Master..." Xia Yan supported Han Quce who was about to collapse, and Xia Yan held him up, "Master, are you okay, why are you out of your mind?"

Han Quce supported his forehead and waved his hands, "It's all right, just a little dizzy."

"It's fine." Xia Yan felt relieved, "Master, what's wrong with you? Are you in a hurry?"

Just as Han Quce was about to speak, he shut his mouth. Did he tell him that Lu Yu wanted to throw him to the ground at any time?
"Master?" Xia Yan looked at Han Quce and asked strangely.

"Probably not full, hungry." Han Quce made up an excuse.

"Then go to the kitchen to eat something, Mrs. Song is probably here." Xia Yan said with a smile.

Han Quce nodded, "Okay."

"Master, have you recovered from your illness?" Xia Yan asked with concern.

"Ill??" Han Quce was taken aback, his eyes rolled, "Okay, I'm cured."

"That's good." Xia Yan nodded.

"I'm going to the kitchen." Han Quce said.

"Okay, Master, go slowly."

"En." Han Quce turned around and went to the kitchen. Xia Yan watched Han Quce go away and patted his head strangely.

Han Quce rubbed his stomach, he was indeed hungry, walked to the kitchen, and saw Xiao Han and Xiao Yun in the kitchen, Xiao Yun was drinking soup.

"Xiao Han, Yun'er." Han Quce looked at Xiao Han and Xiao Yun.

"Master." Xiao Han smiled when he saw Han Quce, "Are you cured?"

"If you're sick, stay in bed." Xiao Yun saw Han Quce pulling him to sit on a chair.

Han Quce wiped his sweat, I didn't know what illness I had, "Okay, okay." Han Quce nodded with a smile.

"That's good." Xiao Han and Xiao Yun felt relieved.

"Why are you here?" Han Quce asked.

"Yun'er was hungry, so I took him here to find something to eat. I saw Mrs. Song making soup, and Mrs. Song made him a bowl." Xiao Han said, and as soon as Xiao Yun finished practicing his calligraphy, he would call Hungry, basically every time after practicing calligraphy, Xiao Han would take him to the kitchen to find something to eat, so as not to starve Xiao Yun.

"Oh, I haven't watched Yun'er practice calligraphy recently, how is Yun'er practicing?" Han Quce smiled.

"En, Yun'er is serious." Xiao Yun took a sip of soup, "Master, I'm almost done practicing the copybook you gave me."

"Then I'll get you a copy."

"Good!" Xiao Yun said happily.

"Thank you, Master." Xiao Han thanked.

"It's okay, I like Yuner very much." Han Quce patted Xiao Yun's head.

"Hey, Master, you're here." Mrs. Song came in with a handful of cabbages. "This is my newly picked cabbage. It's fresh. Let's eat it at night."

"Aunt Song." Han Quce nodded, "Is there anything to eat?"

"Yes." Mrs. Song nodded immediately when Han Quce said that she wanted to eat, "I boiled a pot of soup for you. I heard that you were sick, so I made a pot of soup."

"So the soup I drank belonged to Master." Xiao Yun finished the last sip of soup.

"It's okay, drink more." Han Quce said with a smile.

"Here comes the soup." Mrs. Song opened the pot, and a burst of fragrance came out. Everyone took a deep breath, it was so fragrant, "Now it's really boiled, come, let's drink a bowl each." Mrs. Song held it bowl, give them a bowl for each of them.

"It's delicious."

"It tastes so good."

A pot of soup was drank up under the satisfied appreciation.

Xiao Yun burped, "I'm so full."

"I'm full." Han Quce rubbed his belly, it was all swollen.

"The taste is really good." Xiao Han wiped his mouth, he hasn't eaten so full for a long time, usually he only eats [-]% full.

After they finished their soup, it was time for lunch. They sat at the table and looked at each other.

"A Qu, why don't you eat?" Lu Yu looked at Han Qu Ce who was not moving his chopsticks, "Is there something uncomfortable?"

Han Quce smiled and shook his head, but did not speak.

"Yun'er, come and eat chicken legs, your favorite." Axiu put a chicken leg in front of Xiao Yun, this little glutton loves braised chicken legs most, why don't you eat it today.

Just as Xiao Yun wanted to eat, when his body moved, the feeling of fullness in his stomach followed. Xiao Yun could only smile and shake his head, without speaking.

"Xiao Han, are you not feeling well?" Xia Yan looked at Xiao Han strangely, "Aren't you hungry?"

Xiao Han wiped his sweat, smiled and shook his head, not speaking. ,

"Master, Xiao Han, Yun'er, what's the matter with you?" Lu Yuxia, Ahu and Axiu looked at Han Quce, Xiao Yun, and Xiao Han without speaking, but shook their heads, very strange.

"Come on, let's eat."Mrs. Song came with a plate of fried cabbage. "Eat them all."

"Ms. Song, you started cooking the soup last night." Lu Yu had been coveting Mrs. Song's soup for a long time. He passed by the kitchen early in the morning and saw Mrs. Song starting to cook the soup. There were angelica wolfberry and snake meat in the soup.

"Give it to Master, Xiao Han, and Yun'er in the morning." Aunt Song laughed.

"Have you finished drinking?" Xia Yan asked in shock. He passed by the kitchen to practice swords early in the morning and saw snake broth, so he really wanted to drink it.

Han Quce, Xiao Yun, and Xiao Han nodded.

"How does it taste?" Lu Yu asked.

"Not bad." Han Quce nodded.

"That's why I exchanged some chickens with others in the morning." Mrs. Song laughed.

"It's really delicious, I still want to drink it." Xiao Yun nodded seriously.

"It's a pity that my sister drank it." Xia Yan said regretfully.

"I want to drink too." Axiu said regretfully.

"Snake broth is a great tonic." Ah Hu smiled, but didn't see a few people's expressions change.

"Snake? Meat? Soup?" Han Quce covered his mouth, "Is this snake broth??" Feeling his stomach churning, he hurried out of the dining room.

"A Qu." Seeing that Han Quce's expression was not right, Lu Yu ran out of the dining room and hurriedly followed.

Xiao Han's face was fine, he hadn't eaten anything since childhood in order to have enough to eat, but Xiao Yun vomited all of a sudden, "That's actually a snake. I'm afraid of snakes."

Xiao Han quickly patted Xiao Yun on the back, Xiao Yun was most afraid of snakes, and let him eat snakes, it's just... "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay."

Xiao Yun threw himself into his brother's arms, "There is a snake in my stomach, brother, I am going to die."

"It's okay, the snake is dead, it's okay, it's okay." Xiao Han patted Xiao Yun's back lightly.

Axiu also swallowed, thankfully I didn't go to the kitchen last night, thankfully I didn't drink soup. Although Axiu didn't drink soup, her complexion was not good. Ahu looked at Axiu, "Axiu, are you alright?" , his complexion is not very good."

Axiu waved her hand, "I'm fine. I'm very lucky."

(End of this chapter)

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