Chapter 133 Dead Man
The back mountain is a forest, and usually only the butchers go to the back mountain when they are chopping firewood or hunting. The back mountain is not such a gloomy place, but there are often wild animals, so most people will not go to the back mountain.

When Han Quce and Lu Yu saw the two corpses, the two corpses were already missing arms and legs, and the corpses had already begun to rot. It seemed that it had been many days.

Han Quce frowned and looked at the two corpses, "Who found these two corpses?"

Lu Yu said, "I heard from the people below that a butcher discovered it and reported it to the authorities after seeing it."

Han Quce nodded, "Why is there a corpse here?"

"My lord." Xia Yan and Xiao Han walked over after inspecting the corpse.

"Xia Yan, did Xiao Han discover anything?" Lu Yu asked.

Xia Yan said, "My lord, these two corpses have been examined by Wu Zhizhou's foreman. These two corpses were strangled to death and then thrown away."

Han Quce asked, "Then why are there missing arms and legs? Could it be that they were eaten by wild animals?"

Xiao Han nodded, "Yes, Master, that's what Wu Zuo said, those places with missing arms and legs were torn by wild beasts, that's why they bleed profusely, but these corpses started to rot, so wild beasts didn't swallow them Lose."

Han Quce said, "If it was eaten by wild animals, I guess this case will be over."

Lu Yu nodded, "It seems that the murderer who killed these two people thought so too, but he really has no brains. Wouldn't it be better if they were buried in the ground?"

Han Quce kicked him, "What are you talking about?"

Xia Yan and Xiao Han also wiped off their sweat and looked at Lu Yu, who looked at the sky.

"Lord Lu, you're here too." Wu Yuan bowed his hands when he saw Lu Yu.

Lu Yu saw Wu Yuan, "Master Wu is well."

Han Quce has never seen Wu Yuan since the last Shuangyuhuan incident. Although Wu Yuan is only in his 20s, he seems to have aged ten years after what happened last time, but his face is full of happiness. My son's illness is much better.

Wu Yuan smiled and said, "I haven't written about Mr. Lu and Mr. Han about what happened last time."

Lu Yu waved his hand, "It's okay, I wonder how Mr. Wu's illness is going?"

Wu Yuandao, "It's already much better. Mo'er is drinking medicine every day, and she's almost recovered. I also specially invited a master to teach Mo'er how to practice martial arts, so as to strengthen his health."

Lu Yu smiled, "Then congratulations to Zhizhou Wu."

Wu Yuan said, "Thank you, my lord."

Lu Yu said, "By the way, I don't know what happened to these two corpses?"

"The clothes of these two corpses should be domestic servants, but they were strangled to death and thrown into the wilderness."

"Do you know which family's servant it is?"

Wu Yuan shook his head, "Investigating."

Han Quce asked, "Is there any mark on his body?"

Wu Yuandao, "There are no specific signs, and people have to identify them."

Lu Yu said, "I'll go and have a look."

Several people walked to the corpse, the corpse was rotten and smelly, and they covered their noses and stepped forward to check.

"The material is really good. You see, the servant girl still has a pair of gold bracelets." Han Quce observed carefully, it was really rare for a maid with gold bracelets.

Lu Yu nodded and told Xia Yan and Xiao Han, "Find someone to take off the gold bracelet, and you two go check it out."

Xia Yan and Xiao Han said, "Your Excellency, this subordinate will do it now."

Lu Yu turned to Ahu Axiu and said, "You two carve the portraits of these two people and ask around."

Axiu said, "But my lord, this corpse is rotten, can you still recognize it?"

Han Quce said, "Just draw the general appearance of these two people, you don't need to be so careful."

A Huaxiu took the order, "Yes, this subordinate will do it now."

Wu Yuandao, "Lord Lu, these are all right-hand men."

Lu Yu smiled and said, "They have been with me for many years, so they are naturally able." There was a hint of pride in Lu Yu's words. They have been with him for seven or eight years, and they are leading by themselves, so of course they are effective.

Han Quce shook his head and smiled, he knew that Lu Yu was taunting again.

(End of this chapter)

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