Chapter 142 Du Sanniang

Lu Yu was confused when he heard it, "It seems to be a good piano."

Han Quce let out a snort, "How can you know such a rough person like you?"

Lu Yu rubbed his head, "That's right. Ah Qu, why don't you play a song."

Han Quce nodded, "But I want to clean my hands and burn incense."

Lu Yu nodded, ordered people to fetch water, and asked Han Quce to wash his hands. After cleaning his hands, he carried the Qin to the stone table in the yard, lit sandalwood in front of the Qiwu Qin, and sat in front of the Qiwu Qin with a flick of his robe. Lu Yu was dazzled, and quite proud, this is his wife, A Qu is so beautiful.

Han Quce's slender and fair fingers plucked the seven strings, and there was a clear and smooth sound, like flowing water, with a touch of sadness.The breeze blows, the fragrance of lotus and summer chrysanthemum is lingering, and in an instant, white sleeves flutter.The sound of the piano is intense, echoing continuously with the pines, and it lasts for a long time.When you start and drop your hands, whose heartstrings does that shangxian vibrate?Han Quce's movements slowly slowed down, and the sound of the piano became quiet and elegant, mellow, with a touch of sadness, just like the fragrance of a hundred flowers.Between lifting and falling of the hand, the quietness surrounds the beam, as bright and clean as it is.Caress quickly, sigh high mountains and flowing water, clear like a pair of ink, quiet and elegant; shake soothing, leave a melancholy, or bright, or scattered, or loud, or lingering.The lingering sound surrounds the beam, the fortitude in the softness, drunk.

At the end of the song, the lingering sound curls up. The sandalwood is exhausted.. .

Lu Yu listened fascinatedly, but the applause in his ears broke the tranquility.

The person who came was Du Sanniang, who can be regarded as the head of Qingli Palace. She is refined and capable, with a pungent personality and a good whip. She is 38 years old and came to Qingli Palace since Lu Yu. She takes care of Lu Yu in everything. Half mother, today I heard that Lu Qiao hurt a man, and Lu Yu fined her not to leave the palace for half a year. Du Sanniang knew that Lu Qiao had a crush on Lu Yu, but it was a pity that Lu Yu had no feelings for her. Du Sanniang originally matched Passed them, but unfortunately failed, so she forgot about it. Today she heard Lu Qiao crying and said that Lu Yu actually fell in love with a man. After comforting Lu Qiao, Du Sanniang came to see who it was. As soon as Sanniang stepped into the yard, she saw a man playing the piano like a banished fairy. Even Du Sanniang, a woman who doesn't like poetry, calligraphy, and piano paintings, was fascinated by it. Be tempted, men are tempted too.

Lu Yu saw Du Sanniang coming in, and said with a smile, "Sanniang, you are here."

Du Sanniang smiled and said, "Seeing that you are going back to the palace today, I will come and take a look. Who knows that Luqiao met Luqiao, this girl is desperate for death, so go and persuade her." Du Sanniang said this on purpose, thinking Look at the reactions of these two.

Who knew that Lu Yu would not agree, "She deserves what she deserves, and she will die if she wants to die."

Du Sanniang said, "You child, how do you talk, you are a little girl after all." Du Sanniang looked at Han Quce again.

Han Quce only listened to them and didn't talk to them. He was studying this Qiwu Qin by himself. This piano is really good. Why is Han Quce so confident? He knew that Lu Yu would never go there. Lu Yu has a heart for himself.

Han Quce was so calm, but Du Sanniang couldn't be calm anymore, and said with a smile, "Who is this young master?"

Lu Yu heard Du Sanniang mention Han Quce, and said, "This is Han Quce, my wife."

Han Quce acquiesced to Lu Yu's words, and did not refute. This is his man, and he slowly got up and said, "I'm next to Han Quce."

"Du Sanniang." Du Sanniang smiled, "This is my name."

Han Quce nodded, "I've met Sanniang." Han Quce knew from Lu Yu's attitude that this woman was not simple to Lu Yu, so he just asked her, and he didn't want to make so many enemies.

Du Sanniang immediately fell in love with her, but looking at Lu Yu again, how could the wife of the palace lord be a man, Du Sanniang said to Lu Yu, "Yu'er, this is really your wife, he...he is a man."

Lu Yu took Han Quce's hand and said firmly, "Whether he is a man or not, I love him."

Han Quce stared at Lu Yu, it doesn't matter if he is a man or not.

Lu Yu smiled awkwardly, "Anyway, it means, I love you." Lu Yu hugged Han Quce and kissed him.

Han Quce was thin-skinned and blushed slightly, "Lu Yu! What are you doing!"

Du Sanniang laughed loudly, "These young people are much more open than we were back then."

Han Quce said, "I made Sanniang laugh."

Du Sanniang waved her hand and said with a smile, "People in the Jianghu don't care about trifles. It seems that you two... I can't control you anymore. When will you get married?"

Lu Yu said, "That's up to Ah Qu, I can marry whenever I want, but he doesn't want to marry me."

Han Quce blushed, "Who wants to marry you!"

Du Sanniang said, "If someone doesn't want it, it means you are not doing well enough."

Lu Yu said, "Then I must make Ah Qu more satisfied." Lu Yu's hand slipped quietly to Han Quce's buttocks and patted.

Han Quce was taken aback, but seeing Du Sanniang in front of him was not easy to get angry, so he could only quietly twist Lu Yu, telling you to do it, if you don't do it, you will die.

These small actions were all done behind Du Sanniang's back. Han Quce glared at Lu Yu, and Lu Yu looked at Han Quce aggrievedly. In Du Sanniang's eyes, the two of them were flirting with each other. It's lunch time, I'm going to gather everyone together and ask them to meet the palace lord's wife."

Lu Yu said, "It's time for you, Sanniang."

Du Sanniang smiled and went to gather everyone.

Seeing Du Sanniang leave, Han Quce kicked Lu Yu, "The soul is light."

Lu Yu rubbed his calf, Lu Yu is strong and strong, this little beating can't help him, it can only tickle him, but Lu Yu squatted up covering his calf, "Ouch, Ouch, it hurts me to death."

Han Quce saw through Lu Yu's tricks at a glance. Lu Yu had a thick skin, let alone his body. "If you pretend again, don't go back to the room."

Lu Yu stood up quickly, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Han Quce sat in front of the Qiwu Qin, stroking the strings with his hand, "This is really a good piano."

Sitting next to Han Quce, Lu Yu also looked at the piano, "There is another person who can play the piano."

Han Quce propped his face on his elbows and looked at Lu Yu, "Then Palace Lu mainly doesn't want this lovely person to sleep with?"

Lu Yu pretended to be deep, "This is also possible."

Han Quce winked, "I'm rich overnight."

Lu Yu covered his nosebleed that was about to bleed, "It doesn't matter how much it is."

Han Quce laughed, "Palace Master Lu is so rich? I wonder how many good people he has found?"

Lu Yu shook his head, "Only this one is lovely."

"Just one, isn't it too little?"

Lu Yu said, "I wish to win the hearts of the one, and the white head will never be separated." Lu Yu put his arms around Han Quce, "Hold your hand, and grow old together with you."

Han Quce leaned into Lu Yu's arms, "Speak in a different way."

(End of this chapter)

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