Chapter 151 Ancestral Hall
Han Quce looked at Lu Yu and smiled, with a bright smile on his face, and Lu Yu was frightened, "I said I won't let you go, will you still go?"

Lu Yu tugged at the corner of Han Quce's clothes aggrievedly, "I haven't had a drink with fourth brother for a long time."

Han Quce patted Lu Yu's hand, "Since you decided to go, why don't you ask me?"

"Without your instructions. I dare not."

Han Quce squinted, "So obedient?"

Lu Yu nodded obediently, "You are obedient."

"Go early and come back early." Han Quce continued to flip through the book in his hand.

"I knew my wife was the best." Lu Yu kissed Han Quce, "I went early and returned early." Then he ran out.

Han Quce looked at Lu Yu's back as he ran away, and smiled, this man, really.

Han Quce flipped through the book in his hand, suddenly a little upset, he couldn't read the book without Lu Yu nearby, Han Quce felt that he couldn't do without Lu Yu.

Standing in front of the window, Han Quce looked at the moonlight tonight, and recalled the first time he met Lu Yu in Liang County a few years ago. Up to now, recalling all kinds of things, his heart was even more disturbed. Did he really fall in love with Lu Yu? ?can we really be together

Han Quce sighed, pushed open the door, and was about to go out for a walk.

Everything here is very strange, not as familiar as in the Lu Mansion, nor as familiar as in the Han Mansion. Han Quce walked aimlessly on the gravel road with his head down, walking farther and farther. When Han Quce raised his head, he didn't know where he was at all. Looking around, he saw a house, and Han Quce walked towards it. On the plaque was written the four characters of Su Family Ancestral Hall, and the lights inside were brightly lit.

Han Quce looked around, there was no one there, and he had nothing to do, so he opened the door and went in. The ancestral hall is very small, and all he can see are the memorial tablets. The candles danced in the dark, but there was no one in the ancestral hall. It is a candle that is immortal day and night, representing eternal life, so it is normal that the lights are bright but there is no one.

Han Quce looked at the ancestral hall and saw nothing, but looking at the portraits on the ancestral hall, they might all be dead people.

Wake up, Su Ying, Soviet Union, Su Yu. .A series of portraits came into view, Han Quce shook his head, there are quite a lot of Su family members.

"Thrilling." The portraits drifted away with the wind, Han Quce looked at the door, it turned out that the door was not closed, and the wind was blowing in, but the wind was really bleak.

Han Quce felt that there was nothing to see, and was about to leave, when suddenly he heard the voice of "Woo, woo, woo." Han Quce ran to the entrance of the ancestral hall, and saw a white shadow drifting by. Han Quce was not frightened, he believed that it was impossible in this world There are ghosts.

"Who, come out." Han Quce's cold voice sounded, and he looked around, but there was no movement.

Han Quce took a deep breath, and went back to the ancestral hall. Suddenly, the lights of the ancestral hall went out, and the voice of "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." sounded eerie.

Bai Ying drifted past again, Han Quce chased after Bai Ying, wanting to see who was pretending to be a ghost.

However, Han Quce's foot strength was weak, and after a while, Bai Ying disappeared without a trace.

Han Quce frowned, who the hell is this.

"Ah." A sharp voice cut through the sky.

Hearing that the voice was not far away from him, Han Quce hurried over and saw a little maid sitting on the ground, "What happened?"

"Yes. There are ghosts!" The little girl's voice was trembling, and she was dripping with cold sweat.

"What happened?" A voice broke in.

Han Quce turned his head and saw that it was Su Qing, "Butler Su."

Su Qing nodded and cupped his hands, "Master Han, why are you here?"

Han Quce smiled and said, "I still want to ask you."

"What happened." A large group of servants ran over with lanterns, "What happened?"

Su Qing pointed to the maid on the ground, "Take her down."

"Yes." The two servants took the maid down.

"Slow down, I still have something to ask him." Han Quce must be tricky seeing Su Qing take him down in such a hurry.

Su Qing waved his hand, and the two servants hurriedly took him down. Han Quce was about to step forward to stop him, but Su Qing reached out and grabbed his wrist, "Master Han. It's late at night, you should go back to rest earlier."

"You know martial arts?" Han Quce asked sharply.

Su Qing smiled, "It's not unusual to know martial arts."

"What's your purpose?"

"What happened?" Su Yan and Lu Yu also rushed over after hearing the sound. They were drinking in the pavilion when they heard the sound and rushed over. They saw Su Qing grabbing Han Quce's wrist and looked at each other, expressing their puzzlement .

Su Qing smiled and said, "Master Lu, Fourth Young Master, it's just a maid who went crazy, it's nothing serious."

Lu Yu looked at Han Quce, shouldn't Aqu be in the room?why here?Being grabbed by Su Qing's wrist was unbearable. Lu Yu hugged Han Quce and asked, "A Qu, what's wrong."

Han Quce shook his head, "It's okay, let's go back."

Han Quce glanced at Su Qing, Su Qing just smiled, Han Quce turned and left, Lu Yu hurriedly followed.

Su Yan looked at these two people, black thread, as if I didn't exist.Su Yan shrugged and left too.

A few people were going back to the courtyard when they ran into Xiao Hanxiayan and the others, "My lord, master, what happened."

Lu Yu shook his head, "It's nothing serious, you go back and rest."

"En." Several people rushed out of the room just now, and now they can only go back.

Lu Yu, Han Quce, and Su Yan who came after them all entered the room.

"A Qu, what happened?" Lu Yu asked.

"I just ran into a ghost." Han Quce sat on the chair and poured a glass of water.

Su Yan was surprised, "Is it a ghost that has been passed down in the mansion for a long time?"

"What, I met a ghost." Lu Yu was taken aback, "A Qu, are you okay?"

Han Quce shook his head, "It's okay, there are no ghosts in this world, this ghost must be pretended by people." "

"Then do you see who it is?" Lu Yu asked.

Han Quce still shook his head, "No."

"It's good that the siblings are fine." Su Yan said, "Sisters and siblings should not go out at night from now on."

Han Quce nodded, "Fourth Young Master, let me ask you, did maids often get scared by ghosts before?"

"Yes, but it's just a white shadow."

"By the way, who is this Su Qing?" Han Quce asked Su Yan, Han Quce felt that every time something happened, Su Qing appeared in time, really.So timely.

Su Yan smiled and said, "Could it be that the siblings have taken a fancy to Su Qing?"

"What?" Lu Yu patted the table, "I've seen that kid is not a good guy, dare to seduce my wife."

Han Quce spat out a mouthful of old blood, stared at Lu Yu, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Su Yan said, "Su Qing came here a few years ago. According to people in the house, he is the illegitimate son of my father."

"Illegitimate child? This old guy is really persistent." Lu Yu sneered.

Su Yan smiled and said, "Who knows, Su Qing is also very strange. I heard that Dad met him on the road and saved his life. No one knows the specific situation. Why, younger siblings are interested in him?"

Han Quce took a sip of tea, "I just suddenly wanted to ask."

(End of this chapter)

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