Chapter 159 The Dying Su Xiang
"Didn't that maid disappear?"

Lu Yu shook his head, "Actually, that maid was hidden by Su Xiang. He knew that Grandpa would not agree, so he hid this maid. Later that maid gave birth to Su Qing and died of dystocia, and Su Xiang has been Keep Su Qing outside and teach him to do business and study."

Han Quce laughed, "It seems that Su Xiang really worked hard on Su Qing."

Su Yan nodded, "I heard that Dad really loved that maid at that time, and almost eloped with him."

Lu Yu smiled disdainfully, "Who is this old guy not in love with? Now that Su Yue is dead, this old guy pins his hopes on Su Qing. It is estimated that Su Qing will formally recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors soon." gone."

"How is Su Xiang's condition?" Han Quce asked Su Yan.

Su Yan shook her head, "There is no breath, it seems that time is really running out."

"What disease?"

"It is said that the wind is coming."

Lu Yu sneered, "It must be the horse's style. This old guy is greedy for beauty, so it's not difficult to get the horse's style."

"I need your help. I went to see my father. His illness is not a sudden stroke at all, but rather poisoning." Su Yan said.

"Poisoned? Could it be that someone can't wait."

Han Quce said, "It seems that someone is thinking about Su Xiang's family property."

"The most suspicious one is Su Qing." Su Yan waved her fan, "Because Su Xiang values ​​him the most. If Su Xiang dies, he may become the first heir."

"When did Su Xiang get sick?" Han Quce asked.

"It's been on and off for half a month."

"Who has been taking care of you all this time?"

"The eldest lady, the ladies and Su Qing, Su Qing is the one who takes care of me the most."

Lu Yu said, "He will take care of it himself, so it's best to poison him."

Han Quce shook his head, "Who killed it, I'm afraid we can't confirm it ourselves, maybe someone killed someone with a knife."

"Borrowing a knife to kill someone?" Lu Yu and Su Yan looked at Han Quce.

Han Quce nodded, "Borrowed Su Qing's hand to kill Su Xiang and seize the opportunity to seize the family property."

Su Yan continued to shake her fan, and said with a smile, "Maybe it's me."


Several people looked at each other and laughed.

Su Xiang's illness became more and more serious. Su Yan stood in front of Su Xiang and looked at Su Xiang who was lying on the bed. His face was pale and his body was already tortured by the disease.

Although Su Xiang didn't pay much attention to Su Yan, he didn't care too much, but Su Yan was Su Xiang's son after all, his blood was thicker than water, he was still alive one month ago, but he was dying in the next month, Su Yan was still very sad in his heart .

Su Yan stood at the head of the bed, looking at the eldest lady who was feeding medicine to Su Xiang, while the other ladies were crying, "Master, you must not die."

Li Xin looked at the weeping wives beside him, and frowned. The master is not dead yet, so he hoped that he would die, hum, "Stop crying here, go down, let the master rest for a while."

The wives obeyed Li Xin's instructions and went down obediently, leaving behind Su Xiang's son.

Su Xiang, including Lu Yu, has a total of six sons and two daughters.

In addition to the dead Su Yue, and Su Zhe who was exiled into the army, only Su Yan, Su Jiao, Su Yi, and two daughters Su Yin and Su Xiao who are about to grow up are the only ones who are filial at the head of the bed.

However, the people next to the bed probably have their own thoughts, and I am afraid that there are not many people who really want to be filial, just for the property of the Su family.

Once Su Xiang died, the position of the Patriarch of the Su family was suspended, and the distribution of the family property did not go down.

Li Xin put aside the empty bowl after drinking the medicine, and said to several people, "Go down first, I will serve you here."

"Yes, Da Furen." Su Yan and other children also retreated.

The eldest lady Li Xin watched everyone retreat, and asked softly to Su Xiang who was drowsy after drinking the medicine on the bed, "Master, master."

Su Xiang heard someone calling him, and replied half awake, "En? What's the matter?"

"Master, can your property be distributed?"

"Family property?" Su Xiang seemed to pause for a while, "It's been allocated."

Li Xin was full of anticipation, "How will it be distributed, master?"

Su Xiang seemed very tired, and fell asleep before answering Li Xin.

Seeing that Su Xiang had already fallen asleep, Li Xin sighed, flung his sleeves and left.

Li Xin took a deep breath. His son had died for no apparent reason. Originally, the next head of the family could be his. Li Xin clenched his fists. Unfortunately, he is dead now. He only has one daughter who is not yet married. If she If I don't fight for a good dowry for my daughter, how can I marry a good family and live a good life? Anyway, I have no hope of being the head of the family. The most important thing now is to let my daughter marry a good family. I must Fight for the family property, this one also has half of me, hum.

After Su Yan left Su Xiang's room, she hurried to Lu Mansion to find Lu Yu.

Lu Yu was teaching Xiao Yun and Wu Mo to practice calligraphy with Han Quce, and seeing his fourth brother's hurried expression, he knew that there must be something urgent.

"Lu Yu, it's bad." Su Yan's face was very bad, Lu Yu asked his brother to sit down, poured a cup of tea and handed it to Su Yan, Su Yan took the tea, "Father, it's really bad this time .”

"It's not enough?" Lu Yu was startled when he heard this. His father was only about 40 years old, so he couldn't do it anymore.

Han Quce asked Xiao Yun and Wu Mo to go out to play by themselves first, and then to practice calligraphy. The two children went out obediently, not disturbing the adults to talk about things.

"Because of what disease?" Han Quce asked Su Yan.

Su Yan took a sip of tea, "Said it was a stroke."

"Stroke? Didn't you say you had a stroke last time?" Han Quce said.

"Yes, fourth brother, what's going on?" Lu Yu also asked.

Su Yan sighed, "Su Qing was the one who said the stroke immediately. Su Qing said that the doctor told him about it. We don't know what happened. Later, the lady invited a doctor, and the doctor said it was a stroke. "

"Is it really a stroke?" Han Quce rubbed his chin, "Then does Su Xiang have a crooked mouth, squinted eyes, foaming at the mouth?"

Su Yan shook her head, "No, everything is normal for him, it's just that he's too skinny."

"A stroke usually causes a crooked mouth and squinted eyes. Su Xiang really had a stroke?" Han Quce didn't quite believe it.

"But this is what the doctor said, and we can't say anything." Su Yan put down her teacup and sighed.

Lu Yu closed his eyes tightly, "Although he doesn't have any paternal love for me, he is still my biological father after all. Now that he is dying, I feel a little uncomfortable."

Han Quce looked at the two brothers who were immersed in the atmosphere of grief, and shook his head, but then he thought, "This Su Xiang's illness is a bit strange, don't you have others to investigate?"

Su Yan shook her head, "Father has been sick for so many days, and Su Qing is the only one taking care of him. Most of the time when we go, father is sleeping."

"Sleepiness? How could this be a stroke?" Han Quce couldn't believe it even more. Su Xiang didn't have a crooked mouth and squinted eyes after a stroke, and it's impossible for a stroke to cause drowsiness.

(End of this chapter)

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