Chapter 164 Wills
Lu Yu has no choice but to close his eyes. At worst, he will eat chili sauce again, which is also fed by his wife, and it will be fine if he dies.

Watching Lu Yu close his eyes, Han Quce picked up a piece of mung bean cake from the plate, bit half into his mouth, and fed the other half close to Lu Yu's mouth. With a push of his tongue, the whole mung bean cake went into Lu Yu's mouth.

Lu Yu learned the lesson from last time, this time he half-closed his eyes and watched Han Quce feed him mouth to mouth, and then looked at Han Quce's slightly red face, his heart was already sweet before eating the mung bean cake.

Lu Yu chewed on the mung bean cake, "This mung bean cake is the most delicious one in my life, bar none."

The two had a sweet breakfast, which should be counted as lunch, before going to the study.

In the study room, Xiao Yun was still practicing calligraphy seriously, Xiao Han naturally watched from the side, and even Xia Yan held the book to read again.

"It's really quiet today." When Lu Yu stepped into the study, he saw this harmonious scene.

Several people greeted each other and sat down.

Xiao Han looked at Lu Yu, "Master, why didn't you come to practice swords this morning?"

Lu Yu was about to blurt out the essence, exhaustion, human, but Han Quce glared and swallowed back, "Maybe it's because I've been too tired lately."

Han Quce nodded, "There are indeed a lot of things going on in the Su residence recently."

"Then your lord should rest well." Xiao Yun said in a soft voice.

Lu Yu nodded, "Okay, where's Wu Mo?"

Xiao Yun replied, "He can't come today, he needs a follow-up visit today."

Han Quce nodded, "I've been busy for the past few days, so I didn't watch you practice calligraphy. Let me see how your calligraphy is doing?" Han Quce picked up a stack of Wu Mo's and Xiao Yun's calligraphy practice sheets.

"Master, how are you doing?" Xiao Yun looked at Han Quce expectantly.

Han Quce looked at Xiao Yun's expectant face, and said with a smile, "That's not bad. I wonder if the literal meaning of this is understandable?"

Xiao Yun said, "Understood, Master taught me."

Han Quce taught them to practice calligraphy before, just to let them practice some patience. Children love to play, and what they lack is patience. If they lack patience, how can they pass the exams one after another? They learned some meanings from the book. This book must not only be able to read and memorize, but also be transparent. People learn quickly, and they can understand a little bit. This is what Han Quce is satisfied with, "Very good, I will let you take a day off today, and learn again tomorrow."

"Yes, thank you, master." Xiao Yun laughed, practicing handwriting every day is also very boring, teenage is the time when boys love to play, "Then I can go out to play with Mo Mo?"

Han Quce nodded, "Yes."

Xiao Yun hugged Xiao Han and acted like a baby, "Brother, come with me~"

Xiao Han patted Xiao Yun's head, and he really wanted to play with his younger brother, but unfortunately he still had some things to do, "I still have some things to do with my lord and master, you go and find Wu Mo by yourself, you should know their family."

Xiao Yun pouted, "If my brother doesn't accompany me, I won't go."

"How old are you, do you still want me to accompany you?" Xiao Han looked at his younger brother with a smile.

"If you don't go, I won't go. I want to play with my brother. My brother hasn't played with Yun'er for a long time." Xiao Yun lay down on the table in despair.

Xiao Han couldn't bear it, he patted his younger brother's head.

Han Quce looked at this harmonious scene and said with a smile, "Since Yun'er doesn't want to go alone, then Yun'er will wait outside for a while. After I finish talking with the adults, you can play with your brother again. We will talk about it soon." It's over."

"Okay, then I'll wait for my brother for a while." Xiao Yun was happy again when he heard that his brother would be able to play with him soon.

Han Quce looked at Xiao Yun's childish nature and laughed, "You go to Mrs. Song and have some snacks, and your brother will play with you later. By the way, please ask Yun'er to let Ahu and Axiu call in. The adults have something to discuss."

"Okay, but is it true? Brother?" Xiao Yun looked at Xiao Han, Xiao Han nodded, and Xiao Yun, who got his brother's promise, happily ran out to find Mrs. Song for some snacks.

Watching Xiao Yun run out, Han Quce turned around and saw Lu Yu and Xia Yan reading a book together, Han Quce looked at them both strangely, when did they both become so eager to learn.

Han Quce approached the two of them, seeing that they were looking at Chun, Gong, and Tu with relish, and Han Quce pulled the book, "I knew you two were not doing your job properly."

The two stood up in fright, looking at Han Quce holding the book, squinting at him.

Lu Yu hurriedly pointed at Xia Yan, "This is his book."

Han Quce asked back, "Then why are you watching?"

"I just help him research."

"He needs you to help him with his research? Shut up." As soon as Han Quce spoke, Lu Yu shut up.Han Quce turned to look at Xia Yan, "Xia Butou, I can't tell, do you still like to watch these?"

Xia Yan shook his head, "This is not mine, master, I found this by accident on the bookshelf."

"Then you still like to watch it so much? It seems that you are really about to get married, and you actually watched it in front of Yun'er. Tomorrow I will ask Mrs. Song to introduce you to some girls." Han Quce said.

Xia Yan even shook his head like a rattle, "Master, I will never watch it in front of Yuner again next time, Master, trust me, I will never watch it again next time, please don't let me go on a blind date! Don't let Mrs. Song introduce girls to me, Master." The one thing Xia Yan is most afraid of is women, seeing those delicate women makes her goosebumps rise, and now Han Quce asks him to go on a blind date, facing each of them Xia Yan really can't help such a delicate woman.

Xia Yan turned his gaze to Lu Yu and said in a low voice, my lord, help me.

Lu Yu glanced at his head, and replied, I can't help you, blind date is blind date, and no one will die.

Xia Yan saw that Lu Yu was dying and would not save him, so he whispered, Sir, this book is yours, if the master knows, you won't blame me.

Lu Yu glared, you brat, you still dare to threaten me, if A Qu finds out, you will have to go to bed.

Lu Yu immediately stood up to smooth things over, "There's no need for a blind date, just confiscate this book and don't let him read it. Xia Yan is a person who knows his mistakes and can correct them. There will definitely be no next time."

"I hope so. I don't want you to teach Yuner badly." Han Quce handed the book to Lu Yu, "Remember to burn it."

Lu Yu nodded, "Okay, okay."

Xia Yan wiped his sweat, "Master, don't worry, as long as you don't ask me to go on a blind date, I will agree to everything else."

"Okay." Han Quce nodded, "I'll let you off this time, it's time to talk about business."

Several people sat down again, and after a while, Ahu and Axiu also came in.

Lu Yu asked Xiao Han, "Xiao Han, I asked you to follow the eldest lady yesterday, did the eldest lady go to the study?"

Xiao Han nodded, "The eldest lady did go to the study, rummaged through the box, but she just couldn't find the will, and not only the eldest lady went into the study to find the will, many people from the Su family came, but they couldn't find it."

(End of this chapter)

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