Chapter 166 Drunkenness
"I still have a few books of the Four Books and Five Classics, Spring and Autumn Classics, why don't I give them all to you, but you have to study hard, and I will check regularly to see how you are learning." Han Quce also looked back at Su with a smile. laugh.

Su Xiao smiled stiffly. He was most afraid of reading. The old gentlemen in the private school were annoying enough, but now his aunt still gave him books, and would do spot checks regularly. Wouldn't it kill him? , "Auntie, no need, you are my real aunt, how can I ask for your meeting gift, it's not good."

"Really?" Han Quce saw that he and Su Yan were father and son. As the saying goes, like a father, like a son, Su Yan doesn't like reading, let alone the little ghost who is in the playful period, he will ask him for it as soon as he comes up. Naturally, he will give the meeting gift, "Then I won't give you the meeting gift, I'm so sorry."

Su smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, it's okay, I only want uncle's share."

Han Quce said, "Your uncle's share is better than the one I gave you. Four books and five classics, Sun Tzu's Art of War and 36 Strategies, and other books on governance. There are all kinds of books. You will definitely like them more."

Su Xiao took a deep breath. It was a book again, but it was another book. Su Xiao tilted his head and said, "Since we are all relatives, these books should be left to uncles and aunts. Asking uncles and aunts to give gifts is too outlandish."

Han Quce patted his head, "It's so good, you are so good, you must give me a big gift."

Su Xiao was surprised, this great gift is also a book, he doesn't want to read, Su Xiao hurriedly hugged Su Yan's thigh, "Father, I'm hungry, let's eat."

Su Yan looked at her son with a funny face. Su Yan knew that Su Xiao had never suffered from such a temperament. It’s for you, how can you not accept it? It’s so rude, go and thank uncle and aunt.”

Seeing that his father didn't help him, Su Xiao could only smile at Han Quce, "Thank you, auntie."

Han Quce patted Su Xiao's head, "If you call me brother, I won't give you the book."

Su Xiao immediately changed his words, "Hello, brother!"

"Good boy." Han Quce patted Su Xiao's head.

"Little devil, you call him brother, call me uncle..." Lu Yu reacted to a question, if this little devil calls him uncle and Aqu his brother, in this generation, it feels like an old cow eating young grass... .

"Why is a big man fussing about so much?" Han Quce glanced at Lu Yu, pulled Su Xiao to sit down, "Let's eat first, we have something to talk about after dinner."

Lu Yu snorted and glared at his brother, Su Yan returned a helpless expression.

Soon, Xiao Er served a lot of dishes and took some wine.

Han Quce never drank alcohol. Of course, Lu Yu would not let Han Quce drink. With Han Quce's black history, it is absolutely impossible to let him drink.Su Xiao was too young to drink, so the two brothers started drinking together.

Su Xiao looked at the white wine in front of him, thinking about it. He used to see his father drinking in the room, and he thought it tasted very good, but they didn't allow him to drink, so let's have a drink, just have a try.

Su Xiao stole a glass of wine while Su Yan was talking to Lu Yu and Han Qu Ce while he was not paying attention, tasted it, and after drinking the glass of wine, Su Xiao felt his stomach was overwhelmed, and there was a spicy taste in the corner of his mouth, "Okay Spicy." Su smiled and stuck out his tongue.

As soon as Su Yan turned her head to see her son's face was flushed and he was still sticking out his tongue, then he looked at the wine glass, and he understood what was going on, and said with a smile, "I told you not to drink a long time ago, you didn't listen."

Su Xiao continued to stick out his tongue, "I watched you drink it before, and it seemed so delicious. Who knew it was so bad. If I knew it, I wouldn't drink it."

"Drink some water." Han Quce handed Su Xiao a glass of water, letting him relieve the smell in his mouth.

Su Xiao took the water and felt that he drank it. After drinking a glass of water, he felt that the taste in his mouth had almost disappeared, "Thank you, auntie."

"Let's drink this wine later." Lu Yu looked at Su Xiao amusedly.

Su Xiao nodded with a bitter face, "But I feel dizzy, what should I do?"

Su Yan picked up Su Xiao and put him on the concubine's couch next to her, and covered him with a thin quilt, "Good boy, sleep well, Daddy will take you home later."

After Su Yan settled down with her son, she sat back and said, "Keep drinking, this brat is not like me at all, he will get drunk after just a little."

"He's a child." Han Quce took a bite of the dish.

Lu Yu laughed, "You are not a child, but it's a pity that you are like a child, pouring a cup."

"Let's go. We haven't talked about serious matters yet." Han Quce glared at him.

Su Yan put down her wine glass, "Do you want to tell me about my father?"

Lu Yu nodded, "Do you know about the will?"

"A will? Could it be in the study?" Su Yan asked.

Han Quce said with a smile, "Did you also look for it?"

Su Yan shook her head, "I'm not that bored, but there are too many people coming and going in and out of the study recently, and a fool should know it."

"It seems that so many people in the Su family want to get the inheritance? Fourth son, what about you?" Han Quce asked.

"Me? I'm not a fool. I have a son. If the family property is given to someone else, how will my son and I live?" Su Yan told the truth, if he didn't fight for the family property, how would he raise his son?

Han Quce continued, "Then we have to find the will first."

"Well, the will is the most important thing." Lu Yu also agreed.

"I will try my best to find it, but I think the will will definitely not be in the study." Su Yan said, "There are so many people looking for it, so the most dangerous place is the safest place."

Han Quce tapped his finger on the table a few times, "The biggest suspect now is Su Qing. It is very likely that he took away the will. We don't know what the will is now. Even if the will is written by Su Qing, we have to Change it so that the Fourth Young Master will have a better chance of getting the inheritance."

Su Yan laughed, "Your brother and sister are right, they are really thinking of me, but I still hope you call me fourth brother."

"This..." Han Quce had difficulty opening his mouth.

Lu Yu winked at the side, "Call me, call me..."

Han Quce didn't hesitate, and called out, "Fourth brother."

Su Yan nodded in satisfaction, "Sister-in-law, you are finally willing to call, come, have a drink with fourth brother."


"Come on, you're welcome." Su Yan happily handed a glass of wine to Han Quce.

It's hard for Han Quce to refuse, anyway, it's just a glass of wine. Han Quce took the wine, raised his head and drank it down. Before Lu Yu could stop him, Han Quce had already finished his drink.

There was no way, Han Quce collapsed so gorgeously, Lu Yu could only carry Han Quce home.

Su Yan hugged Su Xiao, Lu Yu hugged Han Quce, and the two walked out of the restaurant holding one big and one small.

(End of this chapter)

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