Chapter 175

As soon as old man Cai heard that he was going to search, he immediately jumped up, "Why do you want to search!"

Han Quce continued, "Because someone reported selling illegal drugs here."

"Who! Who reported it."

Han Quce pointed at Lu Yu, "He."

"You brat, forget it, let me check it for you." Old man Cai had no choice but to go to the back and get the notebook.

Old man Cai put a heavy notebook on the dusty table, and the dust flew up, "You look for it yourself, I provided it for you, but please don't search my shop."

Han Quce picked up the record book, and started flipping through it a month ago. Bone erosion is a chronic poison. According to the degree of Su Xiang's poisoning, it should have been a month. Han Quce searched for the name Qing two or three times but found nothing. Putting down the notebook, he said to Lu Yu, "Could it be that Su Qing hasn't been here?"

Lu Yu shook his head and said, "That's impossible. The old doctor said that only these two companies sell bones."

"Boss Cai? Do you remember that a young man in his 20s bought bone erosion medicine from you?" Han Quce directly asked the old man Cai.

Old man Cai shook his leg, "Let me think about it, um... I remember a young man wearing blue clothes, he came back every ten days, and he gave a lot of money every time."

Han Quce rubbed his chin, "A young man in his 20s, still wearing blue clothes, what's his name?"

"It's called Li Qing."

"Li Qing? It's the person in the record book. This may be Su Qing's alias. I don't want to be found out, so I didn't find Su Qing in the record book just now, but I saw Li Qing, but I ignored it. Han Quce closed the notebook, "Boss Cai, you have been of great help."

Old man Cai laughed triumphantly, "I'm a genius doctor, but don't seal up my shop."

"You helped a lot this time, of course you will be merciful." Lu Yu patted old man Cai on the shoulder, "However, don't get complacent too early, if you feed me medicine one day, I will block you directly shop."

Old man Cai jumped up immediately, "You brat, you dare to threaten me."

"But it's useless to know this. We have to find out where Su Qing's medicine is kept." Han Quce said.

"Could it be that Su Qing has already destroyed the medicine?" Lu Yu speculated.

Han Quce nodded, "So let's move faster, and we must catch Su Qing, so that we can drag him into the water."

"It's really troublesome for Su Qing to appear out of nowhere."

"Still a big problem."

The old man Cai looked at the two people dissatisfied, and the two people ignored him when they chatted, "Have you talked enough? If you have talked enough, let's go."

Han Quce stood up, "Boss Cai, please excuse me."

Old man Cai waved his hand, "Thank God for not coming to trouble me."

"Let's go." Han Quce said to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu nodded and put his arms around Han Quce, "Blame the old man, we can go now."

"Let's go quickly, by the way, you can invite me to a wedding wine when you get married." Old man Cai walked slowly to the back hall with a notebook, "This young couple."

Han Quce smiled and said, "It seems that you have a good relationship with him."

Lu Yu nodded, "He used to take care of me when I was practicing martial arts. If he doesn't feed me medicine, I will definitely be very grateful to him, this little old man."

Han Quce shook his head with a smile, and walked out with Lu Yu.

The investigation of the case was almost finished, and it was almost time for lunch. Han Quce proposed to eat outside because he wanted to eat Buddha Jumping Over the Wall.

As the name suggests, the building is magnificent. The two went up to the second floor, ordered some dishes, and Xiao Er went to prepare the dishes.

The two were drinking tea when the door was pushed open suddenly, "It really is you who are here."

The two raised their heads and saw that it was Xiang Hua who came, followed by another person.

"Master." The person behind Xiang Hua is the personal bodyguard sent by Prime Minister Han to protect Han Quce, and also a good friend of Han Quce since childhood, Han thought.

"Han Xiang? Why are you here?" Han Quce was startled when he saw Han Xiang, "My father probably asked you to come here."

Han Xiang nodded with a smile, "Yes, young master, the prime minister is worried about young master being alone, so he asked me to come with young master Xiang, and then follow you to protect your safety."

Han Quce walked up to Han Xiang and said with a smile, "Then I will trouble you."

"Ah Qu has my protection." Lu Yu didn't know why he looked at Han Xiang so glaringly, seeing Han Qu Ce's happy look at Han Xiang, it was just psychological discomfort and jealousy.

"You must be Mr. Lu, but it is my duty to protect the young master, and I hope Mr. Lu will not take my job." Han Xiang replied unceremoniously, Han Quce was the one he protected since childhood, how could he let him go.

Xiang Hua, who was left on the sidelines, was very upset, obviously he was the protagonist, okay, "Hey, have you finished your description? We just came here and haven't eaten yet."

Han Quce said, "It just so happens that we are also going to have dinner, so let's go together." Han Quce pulled Han Xiang to sit down, "Xiang Hua, you come too."

Xiang Hua rubbed his nose, "I just think of me now, by the way, where is Xia Yan?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Why, do you miss him?"

"I miss him, how is it possible?" Xiang Hua quickly denied, "I just want to see if he is dead."

"Probably still alive."

While several people were talking, the dishes were served.

Han Quce asked Han Xiang, "How is my father?"

Han wanted to say it outright, "The prime minister has been very busy recently, and it is estimated that the court will be replaced."

"You mean the throne?" Han Quce asked.

Han Xiang nodded, "The prime minister has been helping the sixth prince to plan."

"Is there any trouble?"

Han wanted to shake his head, "I guess there is no trouble, but we need to stabilize people's hearts before resuming the position."

"It's fine."

Lu Yu looked at Han Quce who was only focused on chatting with Han Xiang, so he had to show his presence, and picked up a dish with chopsticks, "A Qu, isn't this the Buddha Jumping Wall you want to eat the most, come and eat some, if you don't eat it, it will be cold .”

"Okay, I almost forgot." Han Quce tasted the food in the bowl, "It tastes really good."

Lu Yu finally regained his sense of existence, and thought to Han again, "I'm a guest from afar, Han wants you to eat more, I don't know when to go back." This is clearly Hong Guoguo's provocation, stay away from my home Aqu You are a guest.

Han Xiang replied politely, "Thank you Master Lu, I have lived with the young master since we were young, and I have always protected the young master. This is my duty, so if the young master doesn't ask me to go back, I will not go back. "

Han Quce looked helplessly at the two people who were about to fight, and asked Xiang Hua who was watching the play, "Xiang Hua, what are you here for?"

Xiang Hua was watching a play when he suddenly saw Han Quce asking himself, "I, I actually came back to see you, you know I like you very much." Before Xiang Hua finished speaking, he was almost killed by the eyes of two people. He died, and quickly changed his words, "I admire you so much, you are so good at solving crimes, so I want to learn from you."

Han Quce nodded, took a bite of the dish, "I don't accept apprentices."

"Then do you accept your husband?" Xiang Hua continued to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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