Chapter 189 This is too fast
Xiao Yun shook his head, "I don't know, but they are all men."

"But don't you think they're a good match?"

Xiao Yun thought about the picture of Lu Yu and Han Quce together, nodded, "It's a good match."

"That's all right."


"Okay, let's eat snacks quickly. After the snacks, we have to endorse."


Han Quce and Lu Yu returned to their room door, Han Quce closed the door, Lu Yu looked at Han Quce strangely, what kind of door was closed in broad daylight, rolled his eyes, and looked at Han Quce with a silly smile.

Han Quce looked at the wretched Han Quce, and he knew what his plan was, "Put away your wretched look, it's definitely not what you think."

Lu Yu looked discouraged, "I didn't think about anything, did you have something to do with me?"

Han Quce nodded, "Do you think I've changed?"

Lu Yu hugged Han Quce, "No, you've always been like this."



"Don't come here, do you think I've become a gossip?"

"Gossip? No."

Han Quce told Lu Yu what he had just met Axiu and Ahu, and told Aunt Song about it, "I didn't gossip like this before, I like to be long-winded."

Lu Yu turned Han Quce's head and brought them face to face, "It's not that you are gossip, but that you have become enthusiastic, because you care about them because you regard them as friends."

"But the matter of Ahu and Axiu hasn't been settled yet."

"Ah Qu, the two of them will be together sooner or later."

Han Quce nodded, "I hope I did the right thing."

"Of course you did the right thing, but we want to give away a house."

Han Quce glanced at Lu Yu, "Aren't you the Palace Master of Qingli Palace? You are so rich, why are you afraid of giving away a house?"

Lu Yu rubbed against Han Quce, "But I handed in all my money."

"Maybe you're still hiding your private money."

"How dare you."

At noon, Mrs. Song cooked a lot of dishes herself, with a smile on her face, even Ah Hu kept giggling, and Ah Xiu's face was flushed.

Han Quce looked at the situation, Ahu and Axiu's good deeds were really coming soon.

Xiang Hua looked at the table full of dishes, "Wow, today is really rich. Aunt Song is going to have a full banquet. Is there any happy event for Aunt Song today?"

Aunt Song smiled and said, "Boy Hua, Aunt Song is not capable of hosting a full banquet, but there are still happy events."

"What happy event?" Xiang Hua asked curiously.

Aunt Song smiled, "We'll talk when everyone is here, my wish is finally fulfilled." Aunt Song smiled and went to work in the kitchen again.

Xiang Hua rubbed his head, "Aunt Song's wish has been fulfilled? Could it be that Aunt Song is looking for a wife?"

Lu Yu tapped Xiang Hua's head with his chopsticks, "What nonsense are you talking about? Anyone with a discerning eye can see something good, but you, an idiot, can't see it."

"I'm an idiot, can't I see something?" Xiang Hua was angry.

"Did the young master see what's going on?" Xia Yan also poured a basin of cold water.

Xiang Hua had no choice but to say, "We'll know when we eat, hmph."

After all the dishes on the table are ready, the bowls and chopsticks are also set, and the wine is also served.

Aunt Song stood up and raised her wine glass, "I respect Master Lu and Master for this glass."

Lu Yu drank, Han Quce could not drink but could only drink tea instead, "Ms. Song, it looks like I really congratulate you."

Aunt Song smiled happily, "Thanks to my lord and master, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have such a good life."

Xiang Hua was still wondering, "What's wrong with Aunt Song?"

Aunt Song said with a smile, "It's the marriage between my Ahu and Axiu."

"Marriage?" Xiang Hua was surprised, "So soon?"

Not only Xiang Hua was a little surprised, but even Han Quce, Lu Yu, Xia Yan and Xiao Han who were sitting on the chairs were a little surprised. Although they knew that Ahu and Axiu were together, it wasn't that long. It was indeed a long time, but now that they are going to get married, they still don't realize it.

Aunt Song nodded, "Yes, I have long wanted to have a grandson, and Axiu is willing to marry in early. It would be great to get married earlier, or my son would let Axiu go clumsily, so I said I will be relieved to be my daughter-in-law earlier."

Mrs. Song's words enlivened the atmosphere, and made Axiu blush even more, even the man Ahu blushed, and pulled Mrs. Song's sleeve, "Mother, don't talk nonsense."

Aunt Song snorted, "You too, you kid. You didn't tell Axiu that you liked her until now. If it was later, a girl as good as Axiu would have been snatched away."

"Mother, stop talking nonsense." Ahu became a little embarrassed, and even Axiu, who was usually articulate, blushed and was speechless.

Han Quce held up the tea, "Then let Axiu and Ahu grow old together."

Everyone also raised their wine glasses, "I wish Ahxiu and Ahhu a happy marriage for a hundred years and grow old together."

Xiao Yun also clapped his hands happily, "Congratulations Brother Ahu and Sister Axiu."

A Xiu blushed and patted Xiao Yun's head, "Good boy."

After everyone finished drinking, Aunt Song said, "Master, you are the most cultured here, why don't you help them choose a date?"

Han Quce pointed to himself, "Me?"

"Yes, master, I will leave this matter to you."

(End of this chapter)

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