Chapter 230 Dagger
"How did you die?"

"That's right, what a crime."

"Everyone, disperse." Ahu, Axiu and the policeman persuaded the crowd to disperse.

Han Quce and Lu Yu frowned as they looked at the person lying on the ground, because the person lying on the ground was someone they were very familiar with and who was still talking yesterday.

She is Hua Da Niang.Aunt Hua was sitting on the wall of the alley, with dried blood on her neck, her eyes were still wide open, and there was a knife next to her, which should be the murder weapon. "

"Wu Zuo, how is it?" Han Quce asked Wu Zuo who was still checking on the ground.

Wu Zuo collected all the inspection boxes, "Go back to the master and kill him with a knife. The deceased resisted, but he should have been unable to resist and was killed."

Lu Yu nodded, "Is it the knife on the ground?"

Wu Zuo wrapped the knife in a handkerchief and handed it to Lu Yu, saying, "Yes, my lord, the edge of the knife fits very well, it should be this knife."

Lu Yu picked up the knife and looked at it. It was very ordinary and there was nothing special about it. Lu Yu handed the knife to Xia Yan, "You and Ahu go to the iron shop to see if this kind of dagger has been sold recently."

"Yes." Xia Yan took the knife and left with Ah Hu.

"Axiu, look at the corpse here, I'll go with Master." Lu Yu ordered Axiu, and then left with Han Quce.

The place where the two of them went was the inn where Zhao Xue lived not far from here.

When the door was opened, there was still a strong smell of medicine, and Zhao Xue was still lying on the bed, it seemed that she really didn't live long.

Just as Zhao Xue was about to get up, Han Quce held her down, "Miss Zhao, don't move."

Zhao Xue nodded, "En."

"Miss Zhao, let me ask you, did anything happen last night?"

Zhao Xue nodded, but her body was weak, and her speech was weak and intermittent, "Yes, something happened, last night, last night, here, alone, he wanted to find Chun'er with his face covered, but, but Chun'er started from yesterday When you brought them back, they just disappeared. Later, those masked people just left. My godmother and I were very afraid, very afraid that something would happen to Chun'er, so, so I asked my godmother to report to her. Officer, who knows, the godmother hasn't come back yet."

Han Quce nodded, and was hesitating whether to tell Zhao Xuehua that Mrs. Zhao Xuehua had passed away. Who knew that Zhao Xue asked how her godmother was doing. Han Quce glanced at Lu Yu and then at Zhao Xue, "Miss Zhao, Hua Madam, she, she has passed away and was killed."

"What." Zhao Xue spat out a mouthful of blood after hearing the news, "It's all, it's all my fault."

Han Quce said, "Miss Zhao, don't worry, don't get angry."

"It's all, I'm not good, it's all my fault." Zhao Xue kept muttering this sentence to herself, and then gradually fell asleep.

Han Quce looked at the sleeping Zhao Xue, and shouted badly, "Miss Zhao, Miss Zhao?"

It's a pity that only the call was heard, but no response.

Han Quce buried his head in Lu Yu's arms, "It's all my fault, I shouldn't tell her."

Lu Yu patted Han Quce on the back, "It's none of your business."

"Ahhh." Chun'er came out of nowhere, and ran to Zhao Xue's side in one breath.

Lu Yu reacted in a jerk and almost stretched out his foot to kick the person away, but fortunately he stopped, "Chun'er?"

Chun'er nodded, and knelt in front of Zhao Xue, looking at Zhao Xue who had faded complexion and pale cheeks, and burst into tears, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

Xiang Hua took it over and looked at it, "Aha, I really know that, is this pattern from the palace?"

"In the palace? How come? So ordinary?" Han Quce asked.

Xiang Hua said with a smile, "This kind of pattern is only used by low-level princesses and princes. It is used for self-defense. On the tenth birthday of the princess and the prince, the steward will make a dagger for the princess or prince. This is an order from the emperor, if such an ordinary dagger is still printed with royal patterns, it must belong to an unfavored princess and prince."

"By the way, my lord once asked me to investigate Princess Zhaowu. Princess Zhaowu was indeed not favored in the palace. His mother and concubine were just the daughter of a small county magistrate. She was born later, but her mother and concubine had a dystocia and died. If she dies, the emperor will not care about her, and has been living in the side hall. Her finger marriage is because of her own design. Basically all the princesses in the palace who are of age are married, but because she is not favored, so She has been ignored all the time, but later she designed to meet Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan told the emperor at the imperial banquet that he wanted to marry her, and the emperor married Princess Zhaowu to him in order to win over Chen Yuan." Xia Yan said.

"General princesses build a princess mansion in the capital, and Princess Zhaowu is willing to marry. After Chen Yuan arrived in Qingzhou, it seems that Princess Zhaowu is not ordinary and wants to marry." Xiang Hua sneered.

"If you don't want to marry again, you can only wait for the marriage." Han Quce said, "That's why she is so anxious to marry, and the dagger should be brought by her as a dowry, but she probably won't do it herself."

Lu Yu nodded, "This should be regarded as an item that is very important to her. Generally, items that are important to me will only be given to people I trust."

Han Quce laughed, "So, we should meet the heroine of this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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