Chapter 302 What You Eat Is Human Flesh

Han Quce, Xia Yan, Xiao Han and Han Xiang led people to follow behind, in case anything went wrong.

Lu Yu took the letter and waited for Feng Yue beside the agreed woods.

Soon, Feng Yue came over dressed in black.

Feng Yue under the moonlight is still charming, if other people seem to be addicted to it, but it is Lu Yu in front of him, and Han Quce is the only one in Lu Yu's eyes.

Feng Yue smiled enchantingly, and held Lu Yu's hand. Lu Yu frowned slightly, but under the moonlight, Feng Yue didn't see it.

Lu Yu waved his hand indiscriminately, "I don't know why Mr. Fengyue came to me."

Feng Yue thumped shyly, "The moon is dark and the wind is high, what do you think I asked you to do?"

"I don't know."

"Oh, why are you so boring, I'll take you somewhere." Feng Yue smiled and led the way.

Lu Yu followed, and the people behind followed quietly, following Lu Yu all the time.

Lu Yu followed Feng Yue to a hidden cave, turned around the stone pillar, and the cave door opened. Feng Yue directly wrapped the silk scarf in his arms around his face, and led Lu Yu in with a smile. Lu Yu had just entered, As soon as he smelled a scent, Lu Yu frowned and followed in.

Han Quce led the people to wait for a while, and then followed in. Han Quce Han Quce also smelled the fragrance, and always felt that the fragrance was too unusual. He reminded Xia Yan and the others to be careful, and asked them to cover it with their collars, so be careful.

Xia Yan nodded, let everyone cover her, and be more cautious.

Lu Yu was led by Feng Yue, and kept walking. The cave was a bit dark, and after a while, he gradually saw the light, but the smell of blood became more serious the closer he got, and the smell became more abnormal.

Feng Yue took Lu Yu into the deepest cave. The cave was very bright, like daytime. There were several boxes and two tables in the cave. There seemed to be a lot of things on one table, but with a It was covered with a cloth, so you couldn't see clearly. There was an incense burner on another table, and the smoke in the incense burner curled up, and the incense was only half burnt.There is also a stone bed on the left, and a cross in the center of the cave, with traces of blood on it.

Lu Yu couldn't help frowning, but felt a little weak in his body, Feng Yue invited him to sit on the chair and served a cup of tea, "Please."

Lu Yu nodded, but just wanted to pick it up, but he had no strength, so he couldn't help frowning, "What's going on?"

Feng Yue laughed, "Master Lu must be tired all the way and wants to sleep."

Lu Yu sneered, "Young Master Fengyue, let's tell the truth."

"I don't know what Master Lu means?" Feng Yue touched the silk scarf on his face, "Master Lu, you are so tired, why don't you rest earlier."

"Heh, can I rest like this?" Lu Yu's eyes were sharp, which surprised Feng Yue.

Feng Yue said with a smile, "I don't think so. You didn't offend me. I should treat you better. How about sending you back to your hometown?"

"Go back to your hometown?" Lu Yu frowned.

Feng Yue said, "Naihe Bridge."

"Sure enough, you killed those missing people."

"Master Lu is really wise." Feng Yue lifted the cloth on the table, and there was a set of knives and other things on the table, "Master Lu, do you know why you are powerless?"


"Because of this incense." Feng Yue smiled, "This incense is commonly known as Tibetan incense, and you will be in a trance after a while."

"Tibetan incense?" Han Quce muttered, a memory flashed in his mind, and then he continued to stare.

Lu Yu snorted coldly, "You know that murder is punishable by imprisonment."

"Of course I know." Feng Yue sneered, "But my heart is dead, what does going to jail mean to me?"

"But because of Liu Yuan? Someone killed him?"

"How do you know?" Feng Yue was surprised for a moment, but then let it go, "Master Lu is really powerful, Brother Yuan is my favorite, but those people actually killed him."

"So you're taking revenge?"

Feng Yue's eyes turned red when he said this, "It's all these people, if it weren't for them, maybe I would have spent the rest of my life with Brother Yuan, three meals a day, simple tea and light meals, how happy, but these people were so mad that they killed my brother Yuan "Feng Yue said more and more excited, and then slowly calmed down, pointing to those boxes, "Hahaha, those people are greedy for my sex, and they were killed because of their greed. These people deserve it. Hahaha, but there is no place for them to die, this also relieves my heartache, hahahaha."

Lu Yu said, "How are you different from those people now?"

"Can they compare with me? They are wolves in sheep's clothing, hmph." Feng Yue took a deep breath, calmed down, and said, "Lord Lu, I didn't want to kill you, but you found out about me , I had to make this move.”

"But, you are not afraid of my death, you are even more suspicious."

Feng Yue sneered, "Then kill some more people, so why not? You officials, the children of rich families deserve to die." Feng Yue said, took a sharp knife, and walked in front of Lu Yu.

"You killed so many people, don't you feel guilty? Why don't you think about their families?"

"Guilty? Their family members, Liu Yuan was killed at that time, who thought of me?" Feng Yue became more and more crazy as he spoke, raised a sharp knife and stabbed Lu Yu.

Han Quce was startled and rushed out, followed by others.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu hid himself, raised his hand and chopped off the sharp knife in Feng Yue's hand, and kicked Feng Yue by the way, kicking him to the ground. He raised his hand, "Grab it."

Xia Yan, Xiao Han and the others rushed up as soon as they heard Lu Yu's order. Fortunately, the master reminded them to cover their mouths and noses, and not many people inhaled this incense.

Xia Yan and Xiao Han grabbed Feng Yue, Feng Yue stared at Lu Yu dumbfounded, "How could you, will you be fine?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Thanks to A Qu." Lu Yu took Han Quce's hand, "Thanks to the detoxification pill that A Qu gave me, although I was a little weak when I first came in, but after I urged my internal strength, I added the detoxification pill. It'll be fine."

"You have been fine for a long time? Just to take out my words?" Feng Yue stared at Lu Yu, "You are so despicable."

"How can you be despicable?" Han Quce sneered, "You actually used such a dirty trick."

"What's wrong?" Feng Yue said, "So what, if you achieve your goal." Feng Yue suddenly looked up at Han Quce, "Are you A Qu in the mouth of Master Lu?"

"I'm under Han Quce." Han Quce said. "I don't know what to do with me?"

Feng Yue suddenly smiled and said, "Look at you, you are really loving. Seeing Mr. Han's extraordinary temperament, no wonder Mr. Lu misses you so much. When I was on my bed before, I still called your name, Ah Qu."

When Xia Yan and Xiao Han heard this, Feng Yue was provoking trouble, and even brought up the previous incident, anxious to take him away.

Han Quce waved his hands, Xia Yan and Xiao Han had to listen to the action, Han Quce just smiled, "I love him, and he naturally loves me too, haven't you ever loved someone? Like Liu Yuan?"

"Brother Yuan is my favorite, and it is also the pain in my heart." Feng Yue couldn't help but feel sad when talking about Liu Yuan, two lines of tears flowed from his eyes, "It's all their fault, it's all their fault, but they are all dead."

"Take it down." Lu Yu said, Xia Yan and Xiao Han gave Feng Yue to other officers and soldiers to be taken down.

Han Quce saw a stone slab in the cave, walked in and pushed it, the slate opened, and there was a dark road in front, "Where does this lead?"

Xiao Han said, "Go down and have a look." He went in with a torch.Xia Yan was worried and followed along.

"Probably leading to Huamanlou." Han Quce said, turning around and seeing several big boxes, "What's inside?"

When Han Xiang heard about it, he opened the box with the other policemen, and they were shocked when they opened it. Han Xiang's face changed instantly, "Young Master, please take a look."

Han Quce and Lu Yu leaned forward, and a burst of blood and stench rushed towards their faces. Han Quce, Lu Yu and others couldn't help covering their noses. Han Quce and Lu Yu took a look, with deep brows, and then looked at several other boxes.

Some officers and soldiers couldn't bear it, and went to the side to vomit.

Inside the box were the corpses of several missing people. The flesh on their bodies had been sliced ​​off, and bones could be vaguely seen in some places. The piece is clean, and a piece of white bone is exposed to the air.The corpse's hair was disheveled, and its eyes were staring, but it still looked like it was enjoying itself, making people sweat unconsciously.

"Master, why do they have such expressions?" Xia Yan asked while covering his nose.

Han Quce said, "Because of the Tibetan incense."

"Hidden incense?"

Han Quce nodded, "Tibetan incense will make people have some fragrant hallucinations, make people feel ecstatic, want to die, that's why they have this kind of expression."

Xiao Han came back soon, "My lord, Master, this is the way to Huamanlou."

Han Quce nodded, "Sure enough."

Xiao Han asked about a stench, "What is this smell, so bad?"

Han Xiang pointed to the box, "Take a look."

Xiao Han and Xia Yan almost threw up when they saw it, "How could this be?"

"Let's go out from here first." Han Quce, Lu Yu, Xia Yan, Xiao Han, Han Xiang, and some officers and soldiers who were escorting Fengyue all went out through the secret road.

The secret passage was indeed underground, and a few people went up the stairs, and a familiar room appeared in front of them. This was Feng Yue's room. Han Quce glanced at it, where is the mechanism of the secret passage?
Han Quce took a closer look, and saw that there seemed to be something wrong with the bedposts on the bed. The pattern should be on the south side, so why is it messed up now?

Han Quce twisted lightly, and the bedpost was twisted over, and the door of the secret room was closed. Han Quce couldn't help being amazed, this mechanism turned out to be a bedpost, and ordinary people really couldn't see it unless they were careful.

Han Quce and Lu Yu's group went out from Fengyue's door. Mother Hua saw that there were so many officers and soldiers who had suddenly arrived, and they were still holding Fengyue. what's going on?"

Lu Yudao, "Come here, seal up Huamanlou, all the idlers go out, everyone in Huamanlou gathers in the lobby, and anyone who doesn't cooperate will be escorted to the prison."

Some people listened and ran away in fright to avoid getting into trouble.

Mother Hua couldn't help crying, "What kind of crime did I do?"

Han Quce said to Xia Yan and Xiao Han, "You go find some officers and soldiers and bring out those big boxes, but don't disturb the people, so as not to cause riots."

"Yes." Xia Yan and Xiao Han took orders and left with them.

Han Quce then thought to Han again, "Go and tell my father that this case is almost over, and you can tell him not to worry about it."

"Yes." Said Han Xiang also left.

"Master Lu." Han Quce smiled and said to Lu Yu who was in a good mood, "Don't be idle, go to the secret room and have a look."

"What's so interesting about the secret room?" Lu Yu asked.

"If you are told to go, you can go, maybe you can find something else."

"Okay, okay." Lu Yu said and went to the secret room.

Han Quce saw that they were all gone, and felt that he was too free, so he asked Feng Yue to be taken to a room and interrogated himself.

(End of this chapter)

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