Chapter 342 Nangong Che's Secret ([-])

But now he wants to overturn that decision.

Gu Lanzhi is not dead, he doesn't know the master's secret, the secret of the secret place in the secret place, but Gu Lanzhi is indeed not dead.But why didn't he come to find Shangguan Ren?He clearly wanted to tell Shangguan Ren that he was not dead?Why did he still refuse to see Shangguan Ren even after reaching this point?
Three years, Gu Lanzhi - three years of hiding, what does showing up now represent?
Could it be that you can't bear to see her create an eternal murder for you?

So, why not just show up?

Could it be that Gu Lanzhi didn't know that as long as he didn't appear in front of Shangguan Yan, he would never tell Shangguan Yan that he was still alive?Even if he is still alive, he will become a dead person in Shangguan Ren's heart.Is this what he wants?
If not, what is forcing you?

Nangong Che's thoughts are confused here, and so is Shangguan Ren's over there.

Rubbing the porcelain bottle unconsciously with the pulp of his fingers, he felt more and more something was wrong.

She sat up, and suddenly remembered Gu Lanzhi's habit before, and took out the silk from the cork.

Some patterns can be seen lightly on the soft silk and satin.

Also, a few words! ! ! ! !

It's a few words!

It's Gu Lanzhi's word!

Shangguan Ren's hand trembled uncontrollably.

Gu Lan used to write some important things on the cork before.Because Shangguan Ren was injured too deeply during that time, he couldn't stand up at all.But because he wanted to find medicine for Shangguan Ren, Gu Lanzhi often had to travel far away.Sometimes it is unavoidable that Shangguan Ren is resting when he leaves.So, I developed this habit.

This porcelain bottle, because Shangguan Ren has to pour pills out of it every day, so it is easy to see the writing on it.

Later, the two developed a tacit understanding.

Gu Lanzhi is not dead!

Shangguan Ren thought it was thunder!

But even after reading that line, Jinglei couldn't calm her down.

The blood was surging, unstoppable, and a mouthful of black blood was spit out, dyeing the small piece of silk red.The writing on it is even more blurred!
(End of this chapter)

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