Chapter 125 Gray Mist
The Sumei people continued to set off inland, and the four of them walked with swords along the way, but they didn't encounter any trouble.On this day, a gray fog without warning enveloped the entire land. The gray fog was thick and stagnant. People walking in it felt a slight burning sensation on the skin, and their vision was blurred, with very low visibility.

The Sumei people had no choice but to land on the ground and walk forward. Fortunately, they were not ordinary people. Although they couldn't see the scenery too far away, they could still see clearly within a radius of about ten meters.

"Damn moss, why are you so sticky..." Su Mei, who was stuck by the moss again, had to stop, and waved a small fireball to scorch them carefully, freeing her poor shoes.

Since the appearance of the gray fog, this kind of thick and sticky gray moss has grown everywhere. They can be seen everywhere on vines, the ground, and stones. If you are not careful, you will be stuck by the transparent mucus they secrete. This viscosity is comparable to 502 glue. The slime made Su Mei very troubled.

"...The perverted moss can even stick to the spiritual shield. When I get out of this jungle, I must set it on fire!!" Qin Yi, who was standing aside and watching the joke, was also tricked. , he cut off the stuck corner of his clothes with a wave of his hand, complaining bitterly.

Next, Su Mei had to waste her spiritual power, turning an eggshell-shaped flame shield around her body to protect herself and Chen Lin. This damned moss was only afraid of the high-temperature flames.

They were in a jungle at this time, full of various mutated plants and mutated beasts, and a large number of broken cement blocks on the ground showed that this place was once a human city.

Walking in a row at a slow speed, from time to time, Su Mei can still see some traces of human life from among the climbing vines, the wreckage of various furniture and electrical appliances, toothbrush handles that have lost hair, fruit mobile phones...

"See what this is, a good safe?"

Su Mei looked curiously. Shuanzi who was opening the way ahead was forced to stop, and a few thick vines held a safe in the middle of the road.

Qin Yi melted the delicate and rusty electronic lock of the safe with a dark green fire, opened the door, and bundles of bright red and damp hundred-yuan bills came into view. There were more than a dozen bank cards and a few black flannel bills beside him. bag.

"Take these jewels, maybe we can still use them in the future." Qin Yi picked up a few small velvet bags, poured out the diamond necklaces and gold rings inside, turned them upside down a few times, and threw them into the In your own storage ring.

"Someone is coming." Kicking the safe in the way, Qin Yi pointed to the right.

Su Mei also noticed a few people walking towards this side, a total of five people, all of them were wearing camouflage uniforms with guns in their hands, and they looked like soldiers.The five people moved forward cautiously, their eyes passed by Sumei and the others did not stop, it seemed that they did not notice Sumei and his party.

"Warning! ... who?"

The five people finally stopped when they were less than two meters away from Sumei and his party. The leading soldier seemed to have noticed something and warned his companions.

"Is there a human in front? If you don't make a sound, I will shoot!"

"...A real big living person~~ Don't shoot!"

The five soldiers dispatched two people to walk forward slowly, until they saw clearly that Sumei and the others were indeed alive, and then they did not let down their guard and called the companions behind them to come over.

"Report sir! No target person was found, just four strangers."

"Where do you guys come from?" The oldest soldier among the five stood up and looked at Sumei and the others expressionlessly, his eyes flickering with inquiry and defense from time to time. The four soldiers behind him were still pointing their guns. The Sumei four did not let down their vigilance because they were both human beings.

"We came from the coastal area. Because of the heavy fog, we lost our teammates. We walked for a long time to get here, and then we met you..." Su Mei stood up helplessly and said, there is no way, the four of them Only she is more suitable for diplomacy.Chen Lin is too young to be trusted by others, Qin Yi usually doesn't care about this matter except when he has convulsions, even if he wants to control Sumei, he doesn't feel at ease, Shuanzi doesn't say anything, the whole thing is boring.

"...This is the ruins of the original S City. Going east, there is an official gathering place. You can go there and wait for your teammates... Guys, did you meet anyone on the way? We are carrying out a search mission, so…"

The officer smiled stiffly, as if he wanted to express his friendliness, but he obviously hadn't smiled for too long, and the expression he made could only have the opposite effect.

"I'm sorry, except for these damned moss vines and a few mutated ants, we didn't meet anyone along the way." Looking at the other party's zombie face, Su Mei felt that the corners of her mouth were also stiff, and twitched twice I really can't laugh.

Sumei and the others searched around with five soldiers, but still found nothing, and then they followed the soldiers to the human gathering place.

There are about 600 people gathered here, among which mutants with supernatural powers account for the majority, and soldiers in military uniforms account for more than half of the mutants with supernatural powers. A big man who calls the wind and rain on one side.

Sumei even saw a lot of people who used to appear on TV in it. It seems that this is really an official refugee camp.Su Mei guessed that these people should be big figures protected by the army at the beginning of the end of the world. The state machine is really extraordinary. After so long, these soldiers are still voluntarily working for those in power.

After leaving one of the five soldiers to register their identities with the Sumei people, they left behind and left.No killing, no robbery, and absolute obedience to military arrangements when in danger, this is the code of conduct that must be followed when staying here.

There is no food and water supply here, and everything is on their own. Even the soldiers are exchanged in groups to go hunting to ensure the survival standards of the army and those big shots.

The entire camp was built on a large open space. The vines and trees on the ground had been cut clean, and the soil had been trampled hard.In the middle of the camp are a few huge military green tents, inside which are properly placed those big figures, and on the periphery are all kinds of ordinary people of various identities, some sleeping on the ground, and some living in tents, the conditions of the people are very different obvious.

There is a blank buffer zone between the center and the periphery of the camp, on which there are soldiers in uniform with real guns, ready to protect the tents in the last room. Any creature that wants to break through their line of defense, no matter if it is a mutant animal, Zombies or humans, kill them all!

The new Sumei people did not attract much attention. They found a place outside and settled down. Sumei also pretended to take out two double tents from Qin Yi and the others' backpacks.

It doesn't matter if the conditions are more difficult, but she needs a more private place to block those malicious sights.

Just as a few people were chopping branches to build a tent, two supernatural beings who intended to "forcibly buy" the tent came - holding a half-bitten earth egg.The two were severely taught by Qin Yi, and they were thrown out of the camp. What awaited them were hungry mutated animals and zombies.

Qin Yi's strength has deterred those who would not be kind. People no longer look at them unscrupulously, and those who want to find fault also temporarily rest their minds. The Sumei people live here.
After living in this camp for two days, Sumei and the others gradually got used to the life of working at sunrise and resting at sunset, and they constantly improved their strength in their free time.

During the gray fog, people made a bad discovery - the food was quickly spoiled and moldy.Originally, the jerky that has been exposed to the sun can be stored for a long time, but now the same jerky can only be stored for one day, and the taste has changed and it is barely edible.

As a result, people who were relatively leisurely had to risk their lives to go hunting every day, and most of the food left after eating could only be rotten in vain. A large amount of stinking carrion attracted many carrion birds , hovering over the camp every day, always refusing to leave.Storage-stable foods have become more precious, and salt, which has gradually faded out of people's sight, has become sky-high prices.

Without salt, people can drink animal blood to replenish the salt needed by the body, but food with salt is obviously more durable and delicious than food without salt, but it can prolong the preservation time of food, the importance of salt is self-evident And metaphor.

The gray fog can't help obstructing people's sight, speeding up food spoilage, and making the mutated animals living in the wild even crazier...

On the second day after the fog was formed, the camp was constantly attacked by various mutated creatures who feared no death.Casualties are not serious, but people's spirits have obviously deteriorated.

Staying awake all day and all night tightened the string called vigilance in my brain. If it weren't for the fact that most people are supernatural beings and their physical fitness is much better than ordinary people, I believe many people would have to suffer at this time. I can't go down.

Fear and despair spread silently in the crowd, everyone's mental state was lifeless, everyone seemed to have lost hope and longing for the future, they were just mechanically hungry and eating, and the mutated beasts came to guard against fatigue attack.

Su Mei even found that many people had given up hope of life. When the mutant beasts attacked, they rushed into the herd crying and laughing frantically, and were trampled into a puddle of meat paste or instantly dismembered by the mutant beasts.Such a state is really worrying. Without fighting spirit and hope, can relatively weak human beings survive?
Finally, on the 30th night when the gray fog appeared, after the mutated beasts made their last attack, the gray fog dissipated slowly, and it disappeared completely within a few minutes, just as abruptly as it came.

The disgusting moss remained, growing unscrupulously in large swaths, and they can be seen everywhere, but fortunately, they did not have the great stickiness before.

Everyone in the camp laughed and rushed out of the tent, embracing the blazing sun with open arms. After a month of nightmares, no one wanted to go back to that dark, humid, dangerous place.

 Good night~~~By the way, I would like to recommend a masterpiece, the post-apocalyptic category of the main site. .The title of the book is Global Evolution. . .Alas, a certain fish felt ashamed after seeing someone else's masterpiece. . .


(End of this chapter)

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