Doomsday with space to raise buns

Chapter 127 Hard-working buns don't eat rice

Chapter 127 Hard-working buns don't eat rice
"Su Mei, these are the ten low-level brain cores I owed you last time. Thank you for changing the bowl and pot from Chen Lin last time." A young woman walked up to Su Mei who was mending clothes, and put the The ten brain nuclei were handed over to her.

"Oh, it's Lina. Come, sit down."

Su Mei moved a small wooden pier and let the woman sit on it.

This woman's name is Cheng Lina, a well-known movie star before the end of the world. She is very delicate and beautiful.

She lives not far from Sumei with her four men, yes, that's right, there are four men around this woman.Although there are very few women surviving in the last days, resulting in a situation where there are more men than women, and many people have many sexual partners, Su Mei still admires her very much.

After all, Cheng Lina is capable of making her four boyfriends (husbands?) live together harmoniously and taking care of her like a baby.

"...Where are your two little babies? Call them out and let me have a look. I brought them delicious wild fruits."

Cheng Lina unfolded the pocketed front to show Su Mei, which contained many finger-sized, oval-shaped bright red small wild fruits.Su Mei knew that this kind of wild fruit was hard to find, and it tasted very sweet, which was a rare delicacy.

"Lina, you don't have to bother to bring them food in the future. These wild fruits are so rare, let your husbands know that you gave them Sucha without eating them. I should be angry with you."

Su Mei blamed the other party. Although she had only known each other for a short time, she still had a good feeling for Cheng Lina.The main reason is that this woman likes crisp tea and crisp candy very much, and often brings them some delicious wild fruits.When a mother sees that others treat her child well, she feels comforted in her heart, and her affection for the other party is rising steadily.

"No way, they won't be so stingy." When Cheng Lina talked about her husbands, her face was full of shyness unique to happy little women.

Just as he was talking, Su Cha and his younger sister ran out of the house when they heard the sound, and ran towards Cheng Lina happily.

"Oh~~ Aunt Qin brought us delicious food~~ Hello, Aunt Qin!"

"Auntie hello~"

"Come on, little ones, kiss Auntie one by one, and Auntie will give you all the wild fruits!"

Cheng Lina picked up Sutang and kissed it, stuffed her with a handful of wild fruits, and used the remaining wild fruits to lure the two little buns.

Sutang stuffed a fruit into her mouth, pouted her mouth with sparkling eyes, chewed twice, kissed Cheng Lina on the cheek without any pressure, took half of the wild fruit by the way, and then ran to her mother's arms and looked at the entangled fruit with a smile. brother.

Su Mei also smirked looking at her son who was wrinkled and full of confusion and hesitation.Two days ago, he didn't know where he heard people say that men and women are different, and men can't kiss and hug casually except for their mother and sister.

From then on, he didn't let Su Mei kiss casually, and he had to sleep with his sister separately, and he resolutely never shared a bed with Su Tang.

Unexpectedly, Su Cha struggled for a while, so she ran over with a smirk, hugged her sister and kissed her, and took a few wild fruits from her hand.

"I'll kiss my sister and bring three fruits, and then my sister will kiss my aunt and bring all the fruits!"

"Brother is so bad! Hmph!" Sutang wrinkled her little nose, made a face at her brother, and said coquettishly.

The reaction of the two little buns made Cheng Lina laugh out loud, and then compulsively hugged Su Cha and kissed him, then stuffed him with the fruit in her hand.

"Here, it's all for you, take it and share it with your sister."

Su Cha shyly took the fruit and stuffed it for his younger sister, dragged her away and ran away, then turned around with a blushing face and yelled at her mother and Cheng Lina.

"I've grown up! I'm a man, don't kiss me casually from now on! Otherwise, I'll show you my anger!"


"Haha, brat..."

The two laughed for a while, and Cheng Lina looked enviously at Sucha and Sutang who were playing obediently not far away, and said sourly to Sumei.

"Su Mei, you are so blessed to have two such cute and sensible little angels... It's not like me. I don't think there is any hope of having a child of my own in this life."

Su Mei smiled, not knowing how to respond.After the gray mist started, many women became pregnant one after another, and there were also many newborn babies in the camp.

"Hehe, don't worry about this, there will always be."

"By the way, I'm going to make dumplings today, why don't you stay and help me make them together, take some back when you leave, and give you a try." Su Mei awkwardly changed the subject.

"Okay! I haven't eaten dumplings for several years. It is estimated that our camp, that is, your family, can eat white noodles. Unfortunately, white noodles are not easy to store. Otherwise, I will ask you to exchange some with Chen Lin." Cheng Lina said regretfully Said that she automatically attributed the source of the white noodles to Chen Lin's space.

"It's okay, if you want to eat in the future, just tell me, and I'll exchange it with Chen Lin for you. Although he doesn't have too much white noodles in his space, it's enough for our two families to satisfy our cravings occasionally."

"That's great! I was afraid to bother you, so I'm embarrassed to tell you... Hehe, wait for me for a while, I'll go home and get some meat to exchange with you, a little more, so that my family can understand Quenching..."

Cheng Lina didn't hide her happiness, and ran to the house like the wind.

. . . . . .

At noon, Cheng Lina learned how to make dumplings from Su Mei very seriously. Although the dumplings were not very good-looking, they were finally not revealing.

After the meal, Cheng Lina left two pieces of meat smeared with salt water (moss juice), and gave Su Mei a few brain nuclei, happily exchanging the white flour enough for the five of them to eat.

"Hey, I'll start making dumplings when I get back. I'm sure to surprise our family!" Cheng Lina smiled complacently. She smiled happily and charmingly. Su Mei could tell that she was a happy little woman.

"Mom, don't ask Aunt Qin to make dumplings for you in the future. The dumplings she makes are so ugly. There are very few fillings and they are not tasty."

After Cheng Lina left, Su Tang sneaked into her mother's ear and whispered, her little face wrinkled bitterly.At noon, Aunt Qin made a lot of dumplings for her and her brother. Aunt Qin kept smiling and asked her and her brother to eat more, which made her embarrassed to refuse.

Alas, being a child is so tiring.

"Little ghost spirit, don't say that about Aunt Qin, Aunt Qin gave you dumplings because she likes you..." Su Mei said solemnly as she twisted Su Tang's little nose.

But when she looked back and saw the "slices of dough" left on the table, her expression suddenly changed to that of Sutang. The dough slices with fillings scattered in the big plate had to be returned to her.

Alas, being a master is really tiring.
After the apocalypse, the weather on the earth becomes more changeable and irregular. Often, it was sunny just now, and there will be a burst of hail the size of a ping-pong ball the next moment.

However, the changes in the seasons of the year are still there, but they are not so obvious.

On this day, it is probably late autumn, and winter is coming soon.At that time, people will not only face a shortage of food, but also face the attacks of mutant beasts that are more ferocious than in the previous gray fog period. The hungry mutant animals are the most aggressive.

All the active people in the camp went out to find edible food as much as possible, and they had to prepare sufficient food reserves.

Sumei's family was no exception. Sucha and Sutang, who were wearing long-sleeved trousers, were surrounded by several adults, looking curiously at everything outside the valley.

Su Mei and Chen Lin followed the two little buns, not daring to relax for a moment, even though it was only near the valley.Qin Yi and Shuan Zi, who were specially pulled here, stayed away from the four of them, hunting and killing all the mutated animals that could be seen in the distance.

"Is there any mistake, let the young master work as a coolie for you, but you and Chen Lin are playing in the mud leisurely with the two little babies?" Qin Yi dragged a mutant cat the size of a small mountain over, and put the dead cat to death. The cat threw it to Chen Lin to put it away and complained.

"Uncle Qin, we are not playing with mud, we are digging eggs and picking edible plants!" Su Cha retorted angrily with a puffy bun face.Sutang also wrinkled her small face, looking at him with tears in her eyes, as if you were wrong, I will cry for you.

"Are you still playing with mud?...Okay, digging eggs, digging eggs...ah, there is a situation over there, I'll go first."

Qin Yi ran away in a hurry, he was most afraid of offending these two little ancestors, because no matter who was right or wrong, as long as he made Su Cha and Su Tang angry, Su Mei would definitely stare at him.

"Your tasks for today have been completed. Let's go back, shall we? You can't help me now. It will affect Brother Chen Lin's hunting..."

Trying to persuade the two children, Su Mei lamented that it is not good for the children to be too smart and self-reliant. This is still her cute little baby, who is obviously two little devil kings in the world.

"Okay, but mom will bring us here tomorrow, and we also need to help store food. My sister and I don't eat rice!" Su Cha nodded seriously, picked up the earthen eggs in the basket and asked her mother to help carry them .

"Yeah, Sutang doesn't eat rice, and helps mother with my brother." Sutang also nodded her head, holding her mother with one hand and holding her brother with her chubby hands full of mud, and raised her head with big sparkling eyes look at mom.

"Okay, mom will bring you here tomorrow. Both the crisp tea and the crisp candy are mom's treasures. How could they be eaten with plain rice? Who told you?"

Su Mei picked up the basket, took Sutang with one hand, and casually asked her son and daughter.

Damn it!To talk nonsense in front of two children, to drive a wedge between their mother and child, and to tell her who did it, she must teach that person a lesson!
Su Cha first said, "Nobody told sister and I saw it the other day when we passed someone's house..."
Sutang continued: "Mmmm,... there is an uncle in that house who is so fierce. He beat and scolded an auntie, saying that auntie doesn't do anything all day long, but only eats rice!"
Sucha: "... Then my sister and I asked Uncle Qin what it means to eat rice. My uncle said that he just eats without doing any work, which means eating rice..."

Su Tang asked: "Mmm, Mom, is Uncle Qin right?"
Su Mei: "...hehehe~hehe...he said...right."

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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