Chapter 130 Doubt 14
"No... I searched through the records of the Palace of the King of Hades, but I couldn't find any records of his reincarnation!"

Gray Mao shook his head, and said puzzledly: "There should be a special record for those reincarnated as emperors, but I can't find it..."

Can't find it?
Jin Yuan was slightly startled: "Could it be that you missed some book?"

"No, I checked all the records several times, but I couldn't find Zhuo Yanchong!"

Gray Mao shook his head solemnly, pulled Jin Yuan's sleeve and shouted, "Sister A Yuan, you trust me!"

"Of course I believe you..."

Jin Yuan patted its little head, suppressed the uneasiness in her heart, and said softly: "You should change back into a human body! So as not to be discovered and cause trouble!"

As soon as Huimao heard this, he lowered his head, stretched out his paws to hold his head, and said dejectedly: "Sister Ayuan, you beat me... I finished looking through the records and was about to slip away when the Tenth Palace Hades found out, and then he wants to punish me..."

Thinking of this, Huimao was so depressed that he just wanted to hit the wall!
Although it also has a hundred years of cultivation, how could it beat that formidable King of Hades?

One catches, one escapes...

Fortunately, it moved quickly, and its whole body was not scorched by his chopping, but it was returned to its original shape by his spell!
And it is impossible to transform in a short time!

"You didn't get hurt by him, did you?"

Jin Yuan looked at it worriedly, and didn't forget to turn it over and examine it carefully. Seeing that there was no scar on its body, she felt relieved.

"I didn't get hurt, but now I can only keep this rat body..."

"It's fine if you don't get hurt!"

Of course Jin Yuan would not beat it.

Although it was only talking about the experience lightly, she could imagine that the gray hair must have escaped in a panic at that time!
The King of Hades of the Ten Temples is the most ruthless King of Hades in the underworld, even the gods of the heavens dare not provoke him easily!

"But... but I look like this, how can I have the nerve to go to Brother Luohen?"

Gray Mao never minded his rat body, but for some reason, he just didn't want Luo Hen to see it like this!

Brother Luohen is so handsome, I must like his cute look!
(End of this chapter)

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