Chapter 140
The people who listened intently to the prayer saw the national teacher surrounded by golden light, and their eyes were full of admiration.

A series of long prayers were finally finished.

Jin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, seeing many cute little Lolita and little Zhengtai standing behind the national teacher, she couldn't help asking Zhuo Yanchong in a low voice, "What are these children doing standing here?"

Zhuo Yanchong didn't answer, but just squeezed her palm, implying that she should concentrate.

Jin Yuan had no choice but to give up and looked at those loli and Zhengtai curiously.

Standing behind the national teacher, are you going to be responsible for singing later?

Seeing that they can indeed form a choir, I don't know what effect the national teacher will have if he wears the priest's clothes?
Thinking about it, Jin Yuan almost laughed, the cuff of the other hand that was not held by Zhuo Yanchong suddenly moved.

It must be Gray Mao who couldn't help but want to come out and have a look!
Jin Yuan hurriedly moved that hand, signaling to Hui Mao to be more obedient, Hui Mao moved a few times, and then obediently stopped moving.

At this moment, those boys and girls have already stood on the altar.

"Chao Li prayed day and night, and finally received instructions from the heavens. Now the blood of five boys and girls has been offered, so that the weather will be good, and the generations will be eternal—"

After the national teacher finished speaking, he took out a sharp silver dagger.

A virgin boy who was pushed to the front has already stretched out his wrist, facing the golden basin.

It turned out that the golden basin was used to collect blood...

Jin Yuan's eyes widened in disbelief.

She originally thought it was just an ordinary sacrifice, at most pretending to be a ghost, but now this national teacher is going to bleed?

Want the blood of boys and girls to sacrifice to heaven?

This is too much and too cruel!
God damn bastard national teacher, he is not only a liar, but also a cruel executioner!

"Wait a minute—"

Jin Yuan's loud voice sounded in the temple, and everyone couldn't help but look up at her.

Even the national teacher Chao Li looked at her at a loss, not understanding what her purpose was!

Zhuo Yanchong frowned slightly, with disapproval written in his eyes.

However, Jin Yuan didn't have time to explore at the moment, her eyes only stayed on the altar.

"National teacher, offering sacrifices to heaven is a happy event, why use blood?"

The national teacher Chao Li had already thought of a way to deal with it, and replied plausibly: "This is the will left by God after I prayed day and night for blessings!"

(End of this chapter)

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