157 Drunken 3
Jin Yuan was so provoked by him, she frowned, raised her chin and said, "So what if I don't know? I have no experience!"

"It's okay if you don't know..."

Zhuo Yanchong looked at her with a smile, and quietly said: "I know that's enough..."

Jin Yuan was aroused by him, so she hurriedly approached him and asked, "Then you know, just tell me!"

"You really want to know?"

Zhuo Yan raised his eyebrows, which whetted Jin Yuan's appetite.

"Of course, tell me!"

Jin Yuan nodded like pounding rice, who knew what was on his mind.

Seeing him close to her ear, she thought he would tell, but she didn't expect him to put his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear: "Since you want to know, why don't we get married as soon as possible?"

"it is good……"

When Jin Yuan was breathed out by him, a wave of enthusiasm rose in her ears.

Coupled with the surge of alcohol, my mind became dizzy again.

She just looked up and saw the mischievous smile in his eyes, she suddenly shivered, and pushed him: "What a ghost...Zhuo Bingshan, you are so insidious!"

He even hooked her into agreeing to marry him...

If this is Zhuo Bingshan's marriage proposal, then this is what she has ever seen, and it can be called the most-insidious-marriage proposal in history!
He made it clear that he set up a trap for her to jump down!
But Jin Yuan also only knows one thing but not the other...

He thought that Zhuo Yanchong's scheming was only used at this moment, if he knew the cause and effect before and after, he might faint from anger!

Zhuo Yanchong smiled but said nothing, let go of her suddenly, and said solemnly: "I've finished the wine, it's time to get down to business!"

"What business are you doing?"

Jin Yuan was shocked and looked at him warily.

He doesn't want to make friends with her, does he?
"You'll find out later..."

Seeing her vigilant expression, Zhuo Yanchong didn't feel it was funny, pointed to the plate in front of her and said, "Aren't you hungry? You drank so much sweet-scented osmanthus wine just now, if you don't eat a lot of vegetables, you'll get drunk easily..."

"I drink very well, I don't get drunk so easily..."

Jin Yuan shook her head, completely forgetting that she was often drunk too, and it was not enough for her to drink up a pot of wine by herself.

"Zhuo Bingshan, is there any more?"

Jin Yuan raised the empty wine glass in his hand to him, her eyes were slightly drunk.

Zhuo Yanchong frowned slightly, this little ingot is too good to drink...

Ordinary sweet-scented osmanthus wine is fine, but this jar of sweet-scented osmanthus wine has been aged for ten years, how can it not be intoxicating?
(End of this chapter)

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