Chapter 195
"Didn't it just get ink on your face?"

Jin Yuan shrugged nonchalantly and replied.

Zhuo Bingshan's news is so well-informed?
Didn't she tell them that they don't have to tell him about it?

"How did the ink get on your face?"

Zhuo Yanchong raised his eyebrows, and asked with interest: "What's going on?"

"Speaking of which, it's not because you asked me to learn those etiquette..."

Jin Yuan threw him a blank stare, rushed in front of him intentionally fiercely, grabbed his collar and said, "Didn't you say that I don't have to learn those rules? You're going back on your word now..."

"Because today is different from the past, you will always have to learn in the future..."

Zhuo Yanchong held her hand and wrapped her waist with the other, with a gentle and deep voice.

"Before you had no status, so of course you didn't need to learn the rules, but in the future, you will be the mother of the world, so how can you not understand the etiquette of the harem?"

"Who said I was going to be a queen?"

Jin Yuan asked back unconvinced.

"You don't want to be?"

Zhuo Yanchong narrowed his eyes slightly, and his voice suddenly became cold.

"You didn't even ask for my opinion, but you suddenly asked me to learn those etiquettes and prepare me to be a queen... You, you are too authoritarian! If others want you to do this, would you be willing?"

Jin Yuan stared at him angrily, raised her chin without fear, and scolded him.

Zhuo Yanchong was taken aback for a moment, it turned out that she was referring to something he hadn't told her in advance, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

"Then, little Yuan Bao'er, I'm here to ask for your opinion..."

His lips were close to her ear, slowly caressing.

The hot air of her breath was blown into her cochlea, making her tremble slightly.

"Would you like to be my queen?"

At this moment, his voice had a different kind of bewilderment, which made her want to nod in agreement.

Just as she was about to nod her head, her mind suddenly woke up.

Looking at Zhuo Yanchong's handsome face, she didn't shake her head to refuse, but tilted her head mischievously and said with a serious smile: "I still have to think about it..."

Zhuo Yan gave a low laugh, anyway, the decision to make her queen has been made, and no one can change it!

(End of this chapter)

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