The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 262 National Teacher's Mansion 5

Chapter 262 National Teacher's Mansion 5
What Zhuo Bingshan said just now was definitely not a whim!
He wouldn't be for her, would he? !
"Zhuo Bingshan, just now I said that Fuchen can protect the palace, but it was nonsense, why did you help me lie together?"

Jin Yuan really couldn't figure it out.

I have to say that I was shocked to hear what he said just now!
You know, at first she suspected that Fuchen was taken by Zhuo Bingshan!

Zhuo Yanchong smiled, looked at her deeply and asked, "Don't you really want to find that whisk?"

"Of course, that thing is important..."

Jin Yuan nodded honestly, winked at him and said with a smile: "But I didn't expect you to help me lie together, I thought you believed the national teacher and didn't believe me..."

Zhuo Yanchong laughed dumbfounded.

His little Yuan Bao'er is really a girl with too simple thoughts!
Rather than trusting the national teacher, it is better to use...

The fortune of the country is prosperous, he relies on his own hard work, not on the so-called blessings and sacrifices of the national teacher!

It's just that the tradition of keeping the national teacher has been passed down for too long, he can't rashly move the position of the national teacher, otherwise people will be confused!

Most importantly, people all over the world will be panicked!
"Little fool, if I didn't believe you, I wouldn't have brought you to the National Teacher's Mansion..."

Zhuo Yan petted the tip of Jin Yuan's nose fondly.

If he hadn't worried that this was the National Teacher's Mansion, he would have taken her into his arms long ago.

"I'm not stupid!"

Jin Yuan glared at him angrily. Thinking of the whisk, she giggled again, and said in a low voice, "But the whisk does have some effect, at least it can exorcise evil spirits...but if it works, I'm enough for you!"

Having said that, Jin Yuan smiled proudly.

With the God of Wealth staying in the palace, why should he worry about the safety of the country and the people!

Looking at her smug smile, Zhuo Yanchong moved in his heart, and stole a kiss on her face.

"I don't care about the whisk, I only care about you...Little Yuan Baoer!"

Jin Yuan was secretly kissed by him, she quickly moved away from him, touched the place where he kissed her, her face flushed, "Hey, it depends on the occasion of your kiss!"

She didn't want to make any intimate moves with him in the National Teacher's Mansion!

(End of this chapter)

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