The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 265 National Teacher's Mansion 8

Chapter 265 National Teacher's Mansion 8
This story sounds familiar to her, but she feels that something is not quite right after being familiar with it!

"The name of this flower is Blood Lotus Seed—"

Blood lotus seeds...

Isn't this flower brighter than blood?
Listening to Chao Li's description, Zhuo Yanchong remained silent.

Until Jin Yuan patted him on the shoulder and reminded him: "Don't look, the food is getting cold..."

Only then did he come back to his senses, and took another deep look at the blood lotus seed, then withdrew his gaze.

It's just that those vegetarian dishes are in my mouth, and I can't eat them anymore.

Jin Yuan was already full, touched her swollen belly, burped, stood up and said to Chao Li, "I'm full! National Teacher, I want to go around and digest along the way, don't you mind?" ?”

"Of course I don't mind, I don't know the emperor..."

Chao Li's smile froze, and he carefully asked Zhuo Yanchong for instructions.

"I still want to sit in this garden..."

Zhuo Yan said calmly.

Hearing this, Chao Li had no choice but to sit beside Zhuo Yanchong.

If the emperor wants to stay here, of course he has to accompany...

It's just that the girl is running around in the National Teacher's Mansion, he is really worried.

"Accompany Miss Jinyuan for a walk, remember, you must not neglect Miss Jinyuan..."

Chao Li called his two trusted servants over and asked them to follow behind Jin Yuan.

It's better to say it's surveillance than companionship!

Jin Yuan also guessed what he meant, pretended to be lazy, and let the two of them follow her.

But not long after leaving the garden, she cast a fairy spell on those two people, making them feel that she was with her, and then went to the National Teacher's Mansion to investigate by herself!
Wandering around the National Teacher's Mansion, Jin Yuan didn't find any clues about Fuchen.

Strange, if Fu Chen is not in the State Teacher's Mansion, where is it?

Jin Yuan thought for a long time but couldn't think of a reason. She leaned on the door frame for a while, but unexpectedly the door behind her was suddenly swung open by her hand.

Then a faint smell of blood passed into her nose.

She turned and walked in.

This room looks more spacious than all other rooms, and there are pens, ink, paper and inkstones on the desk, it looks like the room of a liar national teacher!
PS: After the update today, Youqin seems to think that the heroine is weak, Ari just wants to say that the heroine is a god, but other people are not necessarily just ordinary people, hehe~~
(End of this chapter)

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