The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 272 National Teacher's Mansion 15

Chapter 272 National Teacher's Mansion 15
Could it be that Yu Xiao just now affected her?

She held her breath and tried again, but was still blocked from the body.

Alas... Now I can only find another way!
In fact, she didn't care too much whether her spirit could return to her body immediately.

But she really couldn't bear to see innocent people die because of this incident!

Taishang Laojun's whisk...

By the way, if there is a whisk beside her body, she can go back!
But where can I find this lost whisk now?

Jin Yuan was still thinking in distress, Zhuo Yanchong had strode out of the National Teacher's Mansion with her body in his arms, still full of anger.

The others followed Zhuo Yanchong timidly, but they didn't dare to speak for fear of offending him.

Immediately following Zhuo Yanchong were the imperial doctor and the national teacher, all of them were sweating and panicked.

Zhuo Yanchong walked extremely fast, the imperial doctor and the national teacher naturally did not dare to lag behind, and trotted to follow.

Jin Yuan was worried that her physical body would be tortured indiscriminately, so she had to fly to follow.

Zhuo Yanchong carried her body all the way back to the palace, which soon caused an uproar in the palace.

He summoned all the imperial doctors and ordered them to find a way to revive her.

But the imperial doctors could only shake their heads and sigh.

Zhuo Yanchong was so angry that he wanted to push all the imperial doctors down and behead them.

In the end, it was Lin Fu, the eunuch in charge, who dissuaded them, saying that this was a violation of the precept against killing and would have a bad effect on Jin Yuan's waking up, so Zhuo Yanchong let them go!
Because Jin Yuan did not wake up for a long time, the whole palace was caught in an inexplicable tension.

No one can say the word "death", otherwise, they will be punished!
In order to please their emperor, many ministers recruited people from the outside world to try to sober Jin Yuan up with weird methods.

Jin Yuan couldn't go back, and watched her body being acupunctured, and sighed depressingly.

So she couldn't bear to look any more, and floated all the way back to her yard.

"Sister Ayuan, sister Ayuan..."

Huimao, who was fighting with the cakes, didn't know Jin Yuan's condition yet.

It looked up and saw Jin Yuan floating in the air, and asked in surprise, "Why did your spirit leave your body?"

Fortunately, Gray Hair can see him!
Jin Yuan let out a long sigh helplessly, telling the whole story.

(End of this chapter)

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