The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 290 The Queen of Fortune 15

Chapter 290 The Queen of Fortune 15
Jin Yuan continued to persuade, but Luo Hen couldn't help but laugh.

Only Miss Jin Yuan has the guts to say that the master's decision to become a queen was a momentary fever!

"Master is going to announce it to the world tomorrow, so how can Miss Jinyuan find a suitable candidate within a day?"

"That's why I came to ask you for help!"

Jin Yuan smiled helplessly, her eyes lit up suddenly when she thought of the lady who met in Sunrise Palace that day.

"Luo Hen, do you still remember the lady we met at the Rouge Shop?"

"Rouge shop?"

Luo Hen frowned slightly, thinking about the characters Jin Yuan mentioned.

"That's right, it's the one who said that her lady is the daughter of the general who protects the country!"

Jin Yuan excitedly grabbed his sleeve and was about to go out.

"I think she must be the most suitable, let's go find her!"

After she said this, Luo Hen had already remembered.

"Ms. Jin Yuan must look for her?"

Luo Hen asked hesitantly.

It is true that she is the daughter of General Protector, because he had doubts before, so he went to find out.

Only then did I know that the General Protecting the Nation had indeed returned to the capital with his family a few days ago...

It's just that the master was not very satisfied with his previous performance in attacking Xiyi. After he came back, the master kept looking at him coldly.

"Do you have any other options?"

Jin Yuan asked back.

Luo Hen shook his head silently.

"That's not it!"

Jin Yuan patted him, pulled him to turn around and walked out of the gate, and said as she walked, "Don't worry, she wants to have a family background and appearance, Zhuo Bingshan will not be dissatisfied with her..."

Luo Hen sighed helplessly, and could only follow Jin Yuan to the General's Mansion.

When he arrived at the General's Mansion, Luo Hen revealed his identity.

As soon as the steward of the general's mansion heard that they were people close to the emperor, he immediately welcomed them in respectfully.

"I don't know why you two want to find my lady?"

The housekeeper of the general's mansion did not dare to offend the people around the emperor, so he carefully inquired.

Jin Yuan took a look at Luo Hen, and replied with a smile, "This matter has something to do with the emperor, we can only talk about it when we meet your lady!"

(End of this chapter)

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