The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 304 The Queen of Fortune 32

Chapter 304 The Queen of Fortune 32
But she sat down obediently.

Just about to bend over to put on the shoes, Zhuo Yanchong took the soft shoes, held her ankles and put them on for her himself.

Jin Yuan never expected that he would condescend to put on shoes for her, and shrank her feet in embarrassment.

Seeing that subtle movement in his eyes made his heart move again.

I wish I could hold her in my arms and continue what I just did.

"Who are you going to see?"

he asked hoarsely.

"It's... an old friend!"

Jin Yuan didn't know how to introduce him to the first day of junior high school.

It can't be said that her friend is actually a little fox demon!
She hasn't mentioned to him about finding someone to replace her as queen, since she has changed her mind, there is no need to mention it!
She didn't want to make him angry!

"What old friend?"

Zhuo Yanchong saw the flicker in her expression, frowned, and slightly tightened the hand holding her feet.

"Is that person male or female?"

"It's a girl..."

Jin Yuan replied with a dark face.

Zhuo Bingshan's jealousy is too obvious, you have to ask this clearly!
Sure enough, when he heard that it was a woman, his complexion improved a little.

After putting on her shoes, he took a thick robe and draped it over her clothes, and said lightly: "It's getting late, I'll accompany you to see her!"

"What... what?"

Jin Yuan stared wide-eyed, Zhuo Bingshan also wants to see the first day of the junior high school?

What if he knew her plan before the first day of junior high school?
"My friend is not used to seeing strangers..."

She tried to persuade him, but she still put her arms around his arm and said with a smile: "I'm just talking to her, I'll be back soon!"

Zhuo Yanchong didn't seem to hear what she said, but raised his eyebrows and asked: "Are you hiding something from me?"

"No la……"

Jin Yuan had a ghost in her heart, and she didn't even dare to look up into Zhuo Yanchong's eyes.

But he was muttering in his heart, Zhuo Bingshan is really sharp...

"No, why don't you want me to go with you?"

Zhuo Yan made up his mind to go with her to meet her so-called friend.

Not only because he saw her flickering expression, but also because he was worried!

PS: Ah Li is not feeling well, so I will update a few chapters first, and continue in the afternoon. After refreshing the page, I found that the clicks were swallowed by the convulsive system, and I burst into tears...

(End of this chapter)

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