Chapter 338
"Of course I came to see the first day of junior high school..."

Only then did Mingye turn his attention to the first day of junior high school.

It's just that there was a grim look on his face for no reason.

"On the first day of the new year, half of your Yuan Dan is gone. Now I have put three kinds of Gu in your body to ensure that you maintain your spells and human form...but you must remember not to cast too many spells, otherwise the human form will be unstable and a fox will appear. It will take a few days for the original body to gradually recover!"

The first day of the lunar new year nodded gratefully: "Thank you, master, for saving me!"

Ming Ye waved his hand carelessly.

Then on the first day of the lunar new year, he turned to Jin Yuan and said respectfully and politely: "There is also Miss Jin Yuan, if you hadn't rescued me this time, I'm afraid my life would have been lost!"

Jin Yuan shrugged and smiled.

She was also happy for the first day of the new year when she heard that she could recover spells.

It seems that Ming Ye, the master of the first year of junior high school, can indeed save her!

Thinking of the serious injury on the first day, she asked again with concern: "However, on the first day of the first day, when I found you that day, you were in the temple, and you were so seriously injured... Who on earth could hurt you like this?"

Speaking of the temple, hatred flashed in the eyes of the first grader, and he lowered his eyes and replied: "The one who hurt me is the national teacher!"


Jin Yuan was shocked and looked at Chu Yi in disbelief.

Judging by the appearance of the first day of junior high school, I am not lying!
What's more, she was so seriously injured, there was no need to lie...

But Chao Li, the liar national teacher, doesn't know any spells at all, so how can he hurt Chuyi?

She's completely confused!
"So you've found the murderer?"

Ming Ye, who had been silent all this time, said lightly, and his expression did not change when he heard the word "National Teacher".

"Yes, I searched for the breath all the way, and finally found it here!"

Chu nodded, and said bitterly: "It is the national teacher who harmed them, I will not make a mistake..."

"On the first day of the junior high school, who do you think the national teacher harmed? He obviously has no spells, so how could he hurt you?"

Jin Yuan asked in bewilderment.

Chuyi sighed inexplicably, shook his head and smiled wryly, "Miss Jin Yuan, it's not that I don't want to talk about it, it's just that that period of history is too bloody and heavy..."

"If you don't want to say it, I won't force it!"

Seeing her depressed expression, Jin Yuan patted her on the shoulder to comfort her.

(End of this chapter)

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