Chapter 340
On the first day of the lunar new year, he gritted his teeth and said, with a particularly firm expression.

"I'm afraid the opponent is not generally strong, what if you can't deal with it?"

Ming Ye frowned and asked back.

Chu Yi shook his head, and bowed to Ming Ye again, his tone was still firm and steady: "Master, please fulfill Chu Yi, Chu Yi came to the capital this time just for revenge... Even if everything is destroyed, Chu Yi will not give up! "

Ming Ye sighed and said nothing.

Jin Yuan still doesn't quite understand what happened to the revenge in the first day of junior high school.

On the first day of junior high school, he bowed to her again, with sincere begging in his words.

"Miss Jin Yuan, please allow me to stay by your side, only in this way can I find out everything..."

Jin Yuan didn't think much about it, so she agreed, and said with a smile: "On the first day of junior high school, maybe, I can help you!"

Chuyi shook his head silently.

This matter of revenge is no small matter!
She didn't want to involve the kind Jin Yuan!

But before she could refuse, her master Ming Ye spoke.

"Little God of Wealth, you are so generous, why don't you let me stay for a while! With me here, the first day of junior high school will not be injured as badly as before!"

Well... Jin Yuan was a little hesitant.

The first day of the junior high school is a girl's body anyway, so she can always find a reason to stay in the palace!
But Mingye is different...

You can't let him pretend to be a eunuch!

Thinking of this possibility, Jin Yuan almost couldn't hold back her belly laugh.

Ming Yejing waited for her answer, saw that she hadn't nodded for a long time, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm wandering around in the palace, no one will see me..."

Just like when he came to this palace, he can come and go freely!
It's just that, coming and going freely, it's better to stay in the palace and watch a good show!

"Well then, you and Chuyi will live in my yard for the time being!"

Jin Yuan finally nodded in agreement.

"Where does Miss Jinyuan live?"

The first couple, Jin Yuan, are now full of gratitude.

Of course everything will be easier with a master around, but it's not like Miss Jin Yuan has no place to live!

"You don't have to worry about the first day..."

Ming Ye patted her on the head, folded her arms and looked at Jin Yuan with a playful smile.

"The little God of Wealth must be living with the emperor, so that he can be close and dear at night!"

PS: Chapter [-] first, Ah Li has gastritis, she is crying and crying... It seems that I can't eat indiscriminately in the future, woo woo.The update will continue in the afternoon and evening, dear ones~~
(End of this chapter)

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