Chapter 344
"Because I must find out who is behind the national teacher!"

Zhuo Yanchong said coldly.

What appeared on his face was his unique coldness and wisdom.

He said the same thing as Mingye...

It seems that the mysterious person lurking behind the national teacher should not be underestimated...

Jin Yuan was concentrating on it, and suddenly exclaimed "Ah".

How could she forget the existence of Mrs. Qin? !

That day in the temple, she clearly saw Mrs. Qin and the liar Guoshi Chao Li talking about something, or plotting something...

Then Mrs. Qin personally led her to the temple, met her once, and said some inexplicable things to her.

That Mrs. Qin told her at the time that Zhuo Bingshan was a demon...

He even said that she was the same as him!

It can be deduced from this that it is not Zhuo Bingshan who is the demon, but Mrs. Qin!

She was almost bewitched by that Mrs. Qin!

"what happened?"

Zhuo Yanchong saw that she looked wrong, and asked with concern.

"I'm thinking, maybe the Mrs. Qin I met once is the mysterious person behind the national teacher!"

Jin Yuan said worriedly, holding Zhuo Yanchong's hand stronger, her expression tense.

"It is very likely that her target is you!"

Otherwise, he wouldn't have deliberately told her that Zhuo Yanchong was a demon to mislead her!

"Mrs. Qin?"

Zhuo Yanchong thought about the name carefully, frowned and muttered: "There is no such person in the palace...Little Yuan Baoer, when did you meet her?"

Jin Yuan talked verbatim about meeting the national teacher Chao Li and Mrs. Qin in the temple that day.

Seeing Zhuo Yanchong's frown furrowed and then loosened, she inevitably asked worriedly: "Did you remember something?"

Zhuo Yanchong pondered for a while, then met Jin Yuan's worried eyes, and a gentle smile appeared on his face again.

"Little Yuan Bao'er, don't think too much, I will find out about the woman you mentioned..."

Jin Yuan wanted to say something else, but was blocked by Zhuo Yanchong's kiss.

Something flashed through her mind quickly, but before she could think about it, she was overwhelmed by the heat from Zhuo Yanchong.

(End of this chapter)

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