Chapter 347
The status of the national teacher is very high, and he has a reputation outside, and is highly respected by the people!

How could he openly search the National Teacher's Mansion?
"I said you can go, you can go!"

Zhuo Yanchong frowned slightly, and said in a cold voice: "On the day of the Queen's Sealing Ceremony, the National Teacher's Association presided over the sacrificial ceremony, so you take people to thoroughly investigate the National Teacher's Mansion, remember, don't let a single corner go!"

Under Zhuo Yanchong's majestic aura, Changsun Yan couldn't help feeling timid, and even cupped his hands and said: "My minister obeys the order—"

Following the edict, the palace began to be busy preparing for the post-sealing ceremony.

Concubine Chen, who was raising her baby with peace of mind, was the last to learn about the edict this time.

Hearing that the post-sealing ceremony will be held in a month, she almost fell off the soft couch in resentment.

How could this be?
The emperor clearly accepted the fact that she was pregnant with a dragon seed, and even sent someone to bring him a tonic soup!

Why did you turn around and make that woman Jin Yuan your queen?

What about the ministers who spoke for her?

Why didn't they persuade the emperor?
"Ma'am, where are you going?"

Xiaocui, who was mending the baby's clothes for Concubine Chen, saw Concubine Chen get up, and put down her work to help her up.

"I want to see the emperor—"

Concubine Chen said bitterly, her face was pale.

During these days, her complexion got worse and worse.

"I don't believe it, the emperor will make such a decision! I must ask clearly..."

"My lady, my lady, don't be impulsive..."

Xiaocui made great efforts to support Concubine Chen, preventing her from rushing to find the emperor, and eagerly persuaded: "Those ministers who persuaded me were all rejected by the emperor, and the emperor has not seen any of them!"

"What did you say?"

Concubine Chen's body shook, her beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at Xiao Cui in disbelief.

"Your Majesty, I dare not lie to you... This is the news that I finally found out..."

Xiao Cui helped Concubine Chen to sit down distressedly, and brought her a cup of hot water.

"So at this moment, even if the empress asks to see the emperor, the emperor may not necessarily meet the empress!"

In fact, she doesn't understand either...

Obviously the empress has planted a lot of eyes and ears in the palace, why recently, those eyes and ears seem to have disappeared.

Did the emperor discover something?
(End of this chapter)

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