The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 355 Decree to the World 11

Chapter 355 Decree to the World 11
Miss Jin Yuan is so kind and has a good heart, she is worthy of her master...

And the master's heart will no longer wander around!

Ming Ye smiled slightly, stroked the hair of the first year of junior high school, and said meaningfully: "It's so boring! The reason why I came here is to wait for the moment of the big wedding, to watch a good show!"

On the first day of the lunar new year, he was stunned, and asked inquiringly: "Master, you said that the person behind the national teacher will appear at Miss Jin Yuan's empress ceremony?"

She checked for a long time, and also looked forward to it for a long time!

Every time I see that national teacher Chao Li, I can't help but think of my brothers and sisters who died, and the flames of anger burn in my heart.

This time, no matter what, she will avenge their Silver Fox Clan...

No matter whether it is the national teacher or the mysterious person behind it, none of them can escape!
The evil smile on the corners of Ming Ye's lips gradually disappeared, and a bloodthirsty light floated in his bewitching eyes.

"It will definitely appear... No matter who it is, this moment has been waiting for a long time!"
I am the dividing line——
"Miss Jin Yuan, this phoenix crown and Xiapei were all made by the emperor himself..."

Moran dressed Jin Yuan and led Jin Yuan to the bronze mirror.

Dazzled by the golden thread on it, Jin Yuan shook her head and said, "This, it seems too exaggerated..."

She always likes to wear simple clothes.

Now she wears a phoenix crown on her head and Xiapei on her body, which makes her feel uncomfortable.

No matter where you go, you will find it cool!
"It must not be an exaggeration..."

Mo Lan pursed her lips and smiled, and tidied up the phoenix crown for Jin Yuan, her eyes full of praise.

"Miss Jin Yuan, look, how pretty she looks!"

Xu is that Miss Jinyuan doesn't use much rouge on weekdays, so many people just think she is delicate and cute.

Now it's just a little bit of makeup, but it's amazing!

Compared with that Concubine Luo, she is not bad at all!
If Concubine Luo is a peony flower, then Miss Jin Yuan is a lotus flower that emerges from the mud without being stained...

"Looking good is good looking, but wearing this on your head is so heavy..."

Jin Yuan twisted her neck and said uncomfortably.

(End of this chapter)

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