The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 381 Empress Seal Ceremony 18

Chapter 381 Empress Seal Ceremony 18
When Jin Yuan heard that there was an event, her sluggish spirit was revived, and she quickly poked her head out of Zhuo Yanchong's arms: "Don't cancel, I still want to have fun..."

Seeing Jin Yuan's suddenly excited expression, Lin Fu was slightly taken aback, and then turned his questioning eyes to Zhuo Yanchong, not knowing what to do.

Zhuo Yanchong laughed dumbfounded.

His little Yuan Baoer... is really a playful little God of Wealth!

"Then there is no need to cancel it, and continue according to the original arrangement..."

Zhuo Yanchong smiled and kissed Jin Yuan's face, and said lightly.

After the emperor said that, Lin Fu responded in a low voice, suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the ceremony is not over yet, so how should we inform the world of Miss Jinyuan's identity?"

"I have issued an edict before, Jin Yuan is the queen, even if the ceremony is not over, she is still my queen, no one has to question it!"

Zhuo Yanchong said indifferently, his tone was firm and cold.


Lin Fu understood, and didn't dare to stay here to disturb the sweetness of the empress, and retreated respectfully.

Jin Yuan heard Zhuo Yanchong's words clearly, she climbed onto his shoulder with a smile and said, "Zhuo Bingshan, am I going to be the first queen who hasn't gone through the complete sealing ceremony?"

Zhuo Yanchong hugged her tightly, whispered next to her ear: "These are just a long as everyone knows that you are my queen!"

Jin Yuan blinked and smiled, what Zhuo Bingshan said was really good!
These are just forms...

She doesn't care!

I don't want to be tossed about again by this cumbersome etiquette!
"If you make me, the little God of Wealth, the queen, the gold and silver from the national treasury will definitely flow in..."

Jin Yuan laughed.

But when she thought of what those temptresses said, she couldn't help but feel aggrieved: "Those ministers who have eyes but don't know Mount Tai actually agree with the statement that I am a temptress, and I will make them lose their fortune..."

Dare to offend the God of Wealth, unless you don't want money anymore!

Zhuo Yanchong giggled and looked into her eyes lovingly: "They don't know the God of Wealth, I'm afraid they will regret it later..."

"of course!"

Jin Yuan nodded seriously, almost dancing in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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