Chapter 384 Finding Out 5
In order to better search, everyone in the National Teacher's Mansion was moved out by Changsun Yan, and they were temporarily detained in another separate courtyard.

Chang Sunyan took Zhuo Yanchong and Jin Yuan to the back garden of the National Teacher's Mansion first.

Because all those bones were found in the dirt of the garden.

"Your Majesty, look, this is where the bones are buried..."

Changsun Yan pointed to a large piece of land in front of them and said.

Jin Yuan looked down and saw that the originally thick soil had been dug out.

These soils, however, are a little different from the rest of the garden in that they are darker and more moist.

After comparison, we can know that this thicker layer of soil is not natural, but someone added some new soil to cover it the day after tomorrow.

So this piece of land will appear thicker!
It must have been done by the liar Guoshi to cover up those ugly facts!
She had had lunch with Zhuo Bingshan in this back garden before!

At that time, she was only thinking about Fuchen, but she didn't realize how abnormal the soil was...

What's more, they didn't expect that they would eat at a place full of bones...

It's creepy to think about it!
"Have the bones of all the missing persons been found?"

After reading this, Zhuo Yanchong asked in a deep voice.

Changsun Yan frowned, shook his head and replied: "There are still two that have not been found! The final general searched the entire State Teacher's Mansion, but did not find those two skeletons..."

He didn't understand what the national teacher's purpose was to harm those young and middle-aged men and bury their bones in the back garden...

It was just a murder, so why did two of them disappear inexplicably?

"There are still two skeletons missing?"

Hearing Changsun Yan's words, not only Zhuo Yanchong's face darkened, but Jin Yuan also frowned.

She only knows that the liar national teacher harms people, but she still doesn't know what effect he has in harming these people!
"General Changsun, where are those bones? I want to see..."

Jin Yuan took the initiative to say to Changsun Yan.

Changsun Yan was startled and looked at Jin Yuan in disbelief.

She has the courage to come with the emperor to this place where the bones are buried, which is beyond his expectation!
She even took the initiative to see the bones of those dead? !

(End of this chapter)

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