Chapter 386 Finding Out 7
But she didn't expect that there would actually be a demon doing this!

Changsun Yan nodded in convincing, and then asked in puzzlement: "But who sucked their energy? What's the use of sucking energy?"

Jin Yuan took a deep look at Changsun Yan.

She is still considering whether to tell him that there are monster races in this world.

After all, these are too shocking for them...

Ordinary people, who would believe in the existence of demons? !

Maybe it will cause panic or maybe!
Before Jin Yuan could open his mouth, Zhuo Yanchong said indifferently: "These things will only be clear after interrogating the national teacher!"

Changsun Yan also thought it was reasonable, and nodded in agreement.

Then they sent someone to carefully lift the bones down.

Taking advantage of the moment when Changsun Yan walked away, Jin Yuan raised her head to look at Zhuo Yanchong, and whispered, "Zhuo Bingshan, it's not the national teacher who sucked their energy..."

Zhuo Yanchong nodded, and said thoughtfully: "That's right, the national teacher is just a mortal body, these are all done by Mrs. Qin, aren't they?"

Jin Yuan didn't know whether to nod or shake her head, she had indeed doubted the elusive Mrs. Qin, after all, she had only seen her have private dealings with the national teacher!

But... She smelled a demonic aura on the pile of bones.

As for Mrs. Qin, there is no evil spirit in her body...

That's why she couldn't tell her identity when she met Mrs. Qin!
I even almost believed her statement that she was the same as herself...

It feels like the mystery is getting bigger and bigger, and she can't find a clue to solve it!

"Zhuo Bingshan, maybe it's her, maybe it's not... But one thing is for sure, the reason for that monster to absorb so much energy from young and middle-aged people must be to improve its internal strength in the shortest possible time and realize its ambition..."

When Jin Yuan mentioned the word "ambition", she stopped suddenly.

Ming Ye once told her that there are many ambitious monsters in the Yaozu who regard Zhuo Yanchong as their target and want to get rid of him before his divine power recovers...

In other words, Zhuo Bingshan was the one the monster wanted to deal with after absorbing the energy of the young and middle-aged!
Thinking of this great possibility, her heart suddenly tightened.

"Zhuo Bingshan, it might want to deal with you..."

(End of this chapter)

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