Chapter 388 Finding Out 9
He even bent down, pinched his fingers and broke off a petal, put it under the tip of his nose and sniffed it.

The fragrance became more and more intense, surrounding him.

Inexplicable boredom hit my heart again.

The scene in front of him gradually changed.

He seemed to see a lotus-like woman whirling and dancing in front of him, with a light body, and a silver bell-like laughter came to his ears.

Who was that lotus-like woman, he couldn't recognize him, he only knew that that person would appear in his dreams occasionally.

As her figure became clearer and clearer, he almost wanted to reach out and touch her.

But at that moment, the figure suddenly fell in front of him like a fallen leaf, and his whole body was covered in blood.

A violent storm broke out, but the lotus woman lying in the pool of blood never got up again.

She seemed to want to reach out her hand to ask him for help, but she raised her hand in the air and finally let it go slowly.

Seeing her soul float out of her body and gradually dissipate...

There was an uproar in his chest!
No...he can't let her just leave...

"She heard that you led troops to quell the chaos, and she will rush to see you no matter what..."

"Wake up, she died in that turmoil..."

All kinds of voices came into his ears, and all they brought were news of death...

Great sadness and mania swept over him, and he finally yelled up to the sky: "No——"

The violent aura emanating from his whole body made Changsun Yan and the guards back away in fright.

Seeing that he suddenly became agitated, Jin Yuan's eyes fell on the blood lotus seeds in his hand, she hurriedly waved her hand to snatch the blood lotus seeds from his hand, and threw them away.

"Zhuo Bingshan, wake up quickly..."

Jin-won patted his face nervously.

But his eyes turned into a strange golden color again.

There must be something wrong with this blood lotus seed!

But Jin Yuan has no time to think about it, at this moment, she will never just let him go crazy!
He just yelled loudly, and there was a strong wind in the garden, and those old trees were also uprooted.

Last time in the bath, she accidentally touched the lotus imprint on his shoulder, and he went crazy like this...

Crazy to the point where I don't recognize everyone in front of me...

He even almost killed her!

(End of this chapter)

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