Chapter 401
"Repeat what you just said..."

Zhuo Yanchong turned a blind eye to her struggle, stared into her eyes, and said word by word.

Jin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, stopped struggling, and asked in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

She just said a lot...

"You said I'm not extraordinary, so tell me, what else do you know?"

Jin Yuan opened her mouth wide in surprise.

Could it be that Zhuo Bingshan was about to remember something under her stimulation?
"I only know that you used to be the God of War, and many monsters have targeted you, because if you recover your divine power, those ambitious monsters will no longer be your opponents..."

When Jin Yuan said this, she waved her hand in front of his bewildered eyes, and asked cautiously, "Do you remember anything?"

Zhuo Yanchong tightened his grip on her arm again, and asked with a frown, "That's all?"

Intuition told him that these are not the point...

He forgot something more important than this!

Could it be that she deliberately concealed something?
"If I find out that you have concealed the truth, or lied to me... you can do it yourself!"

He warned her coldly, and finally let go of her grip.

Jin Yuan raised her fist and punched him involuntarily, trying to wake him up!
"The truth is...Zhuo Bingshan, you are a big fool!"

After Jin Yuan finished speaking quickly, ignoring how ugly his face was, she picked up her flick of her sleeve, turned around and disappeared in front of him.

She has never been so angry...

It's fine if he doesn't believe him, but he still uses such cruel words to warn her?

Angry and disappointed...

Angry because his attitude towards her made a 180-degree turn, disappointed because he didn't trust her so much in his heart!
His will has always been firmer than she imagined, how could he be so confused by the blood lotus seeds!

She went all the way back to the palace, but still couldn't figure it out.

Seeing that Jin Yuan was the only one coming back, Moran greeted him suspiciously, and asked with concern: "Miss Jin Yuan..." At this point, she suddenly remembered that Jin Yuan's identity is different now, so she hurriedly changed her words: "Your servant slipped your tongue. Now, queen, why didn't the emperor come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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