Chapter 409
But the two have different ideas.

Jin Yuan was also absent-minded about the delicious food and wine at this time, and she didn't even hear Luo Hen's toast to her.

Until Moran who was serving at the side pushed her gently.

"Thank you Luohen..."

She came back to her senses, smiled at Luo Hen, and drank a glass of wine in one gulp.

Zhuo Yanchong saw that she was smiling reluctantly, for some reason, the boredom surged up again, and he said coldly beside her: "If you don't want to drink, you don't have to drink, no one is forcing you!"

Jin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then tilted her head and smiled at him, poured wine for herself, and said calmly, "You don't even forget that I like to drink, do you?"

Zhuo Yanchong frowned slightly, his face suddenly sank.

Seeing her drink it down again, and lick the corners of her lips, he actually felt hot all over his body.

"I haven't forgotten..."

He gritted his teeth and whispered.

Damn it, he was actually aroused by her actions at this moment.

Jin Yuan didn't notice the unnatural expression on his face, and continued to drink with her head buried.

Originally, she was the one who clamored not to cancel the event, but why did she find it so boring?
After the singing and dancing performance, the troupe came on stage.

Jin Yuan rested her chin and watched the love scene in front of her, watching the scene of life and death, suddenly her heart trembled, and something flashed through her mind.

But she was too late to catch it.

At the end of that scene, there was no happy reunion.

The woman finally lay in a pool of blood, and at the last moment of her death, she did not see her lover.

And the man, after knowing that his lover is dead, has been desperate and lonely...

When the troupe left, everyone was still immersed in the poignant ending just now.

Although this play is beautiful, but today is the day of the emperor's wedding, it seems unlucky to perform such a play!


Mo Lan's low call brought Jin Yuan back to her senses.

She turned her head to look at Zhuo Yanchong, and found that his face was gloomy and terrifying.

His breathing became a little difficult, and cold sweat began to break out on his forehead, as if he was suppressing some pain.

"Zhuo Bingshan..."

Jin Yuan whispered to him worriedly.

But he didn't seem to be able to hear her call, and put his hand on his heart, with a painful expression on his face.

PS: Continue at night...

(End of this chapter)

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