Chapter 432 Confused 18
But facing other women, no matter how beautiful and talented they were, he was extremely calm, without any impulsiveness at all!
"It wasn't until I saw you faint that I suddenly understood all this... Even if I had really forgotten who, but now I only have you in my heart, why should I think too much?"

Jin Yuan's heart warmed up, he was right, those were just the past.

What he and she have is the present and the future!
"What if there is such a woman who reappears in front of you?"

Jin Yuan still couldn't help but asked worriedly.

Do you become anxious about gains and losses once you fall in love with someone?
She didn't know it at first, but she didn't realize until she saw his indifference and coldness...

She could bear his anger, but she couldn't bear his alienation!

"No way...Little Yuan Baoer, there is a red thread, why are you worried?"

Zhuo Yanchong bit her earlobe, and asked with a low smile.

Jin Yuan nodded.

That's right, they are involved in a red line, and other women are nothing but a fleeting moment to him!
She is simply worrying about it!

She shrugged her shoulders mockingly, and didn't notice that when Zhuo Yanchong said the word "no", the incomprehensible light flashed in his eyes.

"Little Yuan Baoer, all these misunderstandings have been resolved, let's continue..."

But in just a moment, his eyes returned to normal, and his lips moved around her neck.


Jin Yuan stared wide-eyed, pointed out the window and said, "Now, it's not even night yet!"

"What's the difference?"

Zhuo Yanchong smiled, rubbed her body and said slowly: "We didn't do anything on the wedding night last night, why don't we make it up until today..."

Jin Yuan tilted her head and made a movement of vomiting blood, and she made up for it until today, so it's okay?

Even with the Buddhist beads in her body, she would be too tired to stand upright!
"No, let's make up for it bit by bit..."

Jin Yuan said with a sneer, moving her body away quietly.

Unexpectedly, before he could get out of his arms, he waved his arms and pulled her back into his arms.

"Then it's better to make up here first..."

Zhuo Yanchong gave a low smile, and kissed her earlobe. Hearing her trembling, he smiled with satisfaction.

PS: Today's update is over, the last few chapters are sweet, hehehe, to meet the greater wind and rain... Dear friends, I forgot to vote and leave a message!
(End of this chapter)

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