The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 436 Who Can Solve Puzzles 5

Chapter 436 Who Can Solve Puzzles 5
Changsun Yan smiled helplessly: "This is exactly what I want to tell you, the weird thing I found in the National Teacher's Mansion!"

Lin Fu and Moran stared in horror when they heard this.

The National Teacher's Mansion... actually hides these things? !
No wonder General Changsun shook his head and sighed when he mentioned the National Teacher's Mansion!

"But what does the national teacher use this head for?"

Moran was surprised and puzzled.

"You have also seen that the flower was originally planted on a human head, but now the flower is dead..."

Changsun Yan pointed to the withered petals and explained.

"This this……"

Lin Fu and Moran were taken aback again, they didn't know how to use words to describe their fright!
"Let's burn this thing quickly, it looks so uncomfortable..."

Moran recovered from the shock and murmured.

Lin Fu nodded, and quickly turned around to get the tinder.

After a while, the fire ignited, crackling the dead head and withered blood lotus seeds.

The smoke from the burning rose straight into the sky.

They couldn't help stepping back a little, covering their noses to hide the stench coming from them.

When everything was done, Moran put down his hand covering his nose, and asked in bewilderment: "General Changsun, this flower is so weird, is it really planted by the national teacher?"

"I can't explain clearly. I'm afraid the Queen understands these things much better than I do..."

Chang Sunyan shook his head and replied.

That day at the National Teacher's Mansion, listening to the queen's words, he felt that he had gained a lot of knowledge, and his impression of her was greatly changed as a result.

"I still have something to discuss with the emperor, so I won't bother you two..."

Chang Sunyan clasped his fists at the two of them and ran away.

Lin Fu and Moran looked at the backyard, thinking of the strange situation just now, they couldn't help shivering, and they also left the yard.

Only then did Jin Yuan show her figure hidden in the air, standing alone in the empty backyard.

Xu was protected by Buddha beads, she was tortured sweetly by Zhuo Yanchong for a long time, and she didn't feel tired at all.

It's just that you still have to pretend to be tired occasionally, otherwise, Zhuo Bingshan will be even more uncontrollable!

She also heard the scream just now clearly, and when she heard the word "human head", she immediately understood it.

(End of this chapter)

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