The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 450 Who Can Solve Puzzles 19

Chapter 450 Who Can Solve Puzzles 19
Jin Yuan looked at Ming Ye speechlessly.

She didn't want Zhuo Bingshan to suspect her and Ming Ye...

Ming Ye even said such ambiguous words, isn't it typical to want to anger Zhuo Bingshan? !

Sure enough, when Ming Ye said this, Zhuo Yanchong's face became more gloomy, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"Very well, you are the first one who dares to say that to me. Do you know that it is a capital offense for a man to enter and leave the harem without authorization?"

Zhuo Yanchong said in a cold voice, there was no killing intent in his words.

Ming Ye shrugged disapprovingly, and said leisurely: "You can't kill me before you recover your divine power..."

Zhuo Yanchong didn't understand the divine power.

He just felt that the man in front of him was too courageous...

Not only did he dare to hold his little Yuan Baoer openly, but he also said these words without fear!

So presumptuous and rude, even if he was killed, it would not be an exaggeration!
Seeing that the atmosphere was tense, Jin Yuan first patted Zhuo Yanchong's chest to comfort him, and then said to Ming Ye angrily: "Ming Ye, don't talk nonsense, you and I are just friends..."

Then he raised his head and smiled at Zhuo Yanchong: "Zhuo Bingshan, this Ming Ye is the master of the first day of junior high school, and occasionally comes to the palace to look for first first day of junior high school! Although he is a demon, he is not bad and has not harmed anyone. I originally wanted to find an opportunity to introduce him to you, but something happened, so I delayed it... But, don't kill him, he also helped us!"

Perhaps it was because she returned to his arms that Zhuo Yanchong's face turned better.

He just looked at Ming Ye with suspicion.

Whether it's a human or a demon...

Thinking of what he saw just now, seeing the other person holding Xiao Yuan Baoer, he couldn't help feeling jealous.

"I believe your words for the time being..."

Zhuo Yanchong hugged Jin Yuan's waist tightly as if possessive, lowered his head and said to her: "But, from now on, you are not allowed to meet this man again!"

"Can't friends?"

Jin Yuan stared at him expectantly.

Although Zhuo Bingshan is a big jealousy, but not allowing her to associate with Ming Ye, it is too strict to control her!

She always has some friends to keep in touch with...

(End of this chapter)

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