The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 453 Helping Him Recover 1

Chapter 453 Helping Him Recover 1
"How can there be reluctance?"

Jin Yuan pouted and retorted.

Zhuo Yanchong lightly pecked her face, without leaving her waist, pretending to ask unintentionally: "You said he was a demon, so why didn't you tell me that he was in the palace before?"


Jin Yuan scratched her head.

She didn't want to hide him on purpose, but she knew his temper.

If a man is allowed to stay in the palace, Zhuo Bingshan will definitely not allow it!
But Mingye stayed here to help Chuyi, and to find out the truth of the matter...

She was also trying to find a suitable time to tell Zhuo Bingshan.

It's just that because of the big wedding, I was so busy that I forgot about it!
"I forgot..."

Jin Yuan smiled and made a face at Zhuo Yanchong.

"I thought you were hiding men from me..."

Zhuo Yanchong said with a half-smile.

Unexpectedly, Jin Yuan raised her hand seriously: "Who is hiding a man? At most, he is hiding two friends, Chu Yi and Ming Ye!"

Zhuo Yanchong shook his head and smiled lightly, but did not speak.

Jin Yuan thought that he didn't believe what she said, so she grabbed his sleeve and explained solemnly: "I mean it...Ming Ye stayed here to help Chu Yi find out the murderer who murdered her brothers and sisters." !"

"Did he find out?"

"It can be found out..."

Jin Yuan nodded.

However, thinking of the monster Ming Ye described, she sighed and shook her head again: "Although I know a little bit, the truth is still unknown."

Speaking of this, she added with a smile: "However, on the day of the wedding, when Concubine Chen came to make trouble, it was the demon that possessed Concubine Chen, or Ming Ye drove the unsuspecting it out, and it was considered a help to us." Once again!"

Zhuo Yanchong's attention was not on Jin Yuan's emphasis on Ming Ye's "help".

"Demon? What kind of monster?"

He narrowed his eyes slightly and asked in a deep voice.

Jin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then her eyes lit up...

By the way, she is still trying to find a good way for him to recover his divine power!
Maybe mentioning that monster, Zhuo Bingshan will remember his identity as God of War, and then he will be able to recover his divine power!
(End of this chapter)

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