The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 462 Helping Him Recover 15

Chapter 462 Helping Him Recover 15
"Then because you have helped us, I will give you a lottery..."

Jin Yuan waved her hand.

Under a flash of golden light, a golden ruyi suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

"This is for you, to ensure that you will not be short of wealth in Luoyunfang, and the wealth will be abundant!"

Ming Ye took Jin Ruyi unequivocally, and said with a smile, "Thank you, little God of Wealth!"

Jin Yuan shrugged indifferently.

Ming Ye is a demon, so if she gave him a lottery, it shouldn't be regarded as giving money casually!
Unlike in the Heaven Realm at that time, she threw a gold ingot to that beggar because of her kindness, and was severely criticized by Grandpa God of Wealth!
After Ming Ye put away Jin Ruyi, the cynical smile faded away.

"However, little God of Wealth, although this calming Gu can stabilize Zhuo Yanchong's mind, when he recovers his divine power, maybe the calming Gu will be useless..."

Jin Yuan was startled: "Maybe what do you mean?"

"Zhuo Yanchong was deceived, apart from his own knots, there is another very important reason, that is, he has not recovered his divine power!"

Ming Ye shrugged, with a serious expression on his face.

"So I gave him the peace of mind Gu, one is to prevent him from being deceived again, and the other is to prevent him from suddenly going crazy... When he recovers his divine power and returns to the God of War, he will not be deceived. Of course, the peace of mind is guaranteed. It's useless!"

Having said that, he paused, put one hand on Jin Yuan's shoulder, and said earnestly: "But I can't predict what will happen to him after he recovers his divine power..."

Jin Yuan lowered her eyes and was silent for a long time.

She had never thought about it so much, she was just worried that the monster wanted to kill Zhuo Bingshan, so she hoped that Zhuo Bingshan would recover his divine power sooner!

But since he recovered his divine power, the peace of mind Gu is useless, does it mean that there are other things that she cannot predict?
"Ming Ye, if he recovers his divine power, is there a possibility..."

When Jin Yuan said this, her tone was a bit difficult.


Ming Ye raised his eyebrows and said lightly.

"Will he forget me?"

There was a wry smile on Jin Yuan's lips, and there was worry and bitterness in her eyes.

Will he forget her like he forgot who he used to be?

Or...don't love her anymore?
(End of this chapter)

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