The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 479 Helping Him Recover 33

Chapter 479 Helping Him Recover 33
Jin Yuan nodded, thinking of the red thread, she turned her head and added with a smile: "I also want to thank Brother Shancai and Grandpa Yue for the red thread!"

He smiled and said nothing, just hugged her tightly.

Jin Yuan patted him on the shoulder and reminded him: "If you keep soaking like this, your whole body will become limp. Get up!"

Zhuo Yanchong nodded, and carried her out of the bath together, seeing that those clothes could no longer be worn, he lightly ordered to the outside: "Bring the clothes again—"

The maid guarding outside heard the words and took the clothes as quickly as possible.

He was about to wait for Zhuo Yanchong and Jin Yuan to change clothes, but Zhuo Yanchong waved him away.

Because of his little Yuan Baoer, his face was flushed with embarrassment.

After Jin Yuan put on her own clothes, she raised her red face and said, "It's too embarrassing, it must not be like this next time!"

"What can't be done?"

Zhuo Yanchong reached out to brush the broken hair on her forehead, and laughed jokingly.

Jin Yuan, who was tying Zhuo Yanchong's belt, couldn't help pulling her belt tighter, and said angrily: "You can't do it over and over again, you must be restrained, do you understand! "

He stretched out his arms, pulled her into his arms, and smiled faintly: "But when I see you, I lose my temper..."

Jin Yuan rubbed her forehead helplessly, she just wanted to look up to the sky and sigh.

It's all because of that peace of mind Gu!
Jin Yuan was about to say something, but there were chaotic footsteps outside the door, making a lot of noise, she didn't know what to say.

"Zhuo Bingshan, what's going on outside?"

Jin Yuan pointed to the outside suspiciously.

If she remembers correctly, it is already midnight, why is there still such a commotion!
Zhuo Yanchong's face sank, he let go of Jin Yuan, and asked coldly to the maid guarding outside: "What happened?"

"Your Majesty, General Changsun and Mr. Luohen, I have urgent matters to see..."

Jin Yuan was taken aback, General Huguo and Luo Hen had urgent matters to ask for an interview in the middle of the night, did something serious happen? !
"Let them wait, I'll go out now!"

Zhuo Yanchong's expression was not very good, he said in a deep voice, put on his clothes and went out.

Jin Yuan couldn't help but followed up worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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