Chapter 481 Prison Break 2
A few had broken hands and feet, and a few even lost their heads...

The ground is about to flow into rivers of blood!
As for the jailer who came to look for him, he was guarding outside the entire prison.

The jailer rushed to look for him when he heard the inappropriate movement, and there were still bloodstains on his body.

"Back to the emperor, those jailers... are all dead!"

This time Jin Yuan and Zhuo Yanchong's expressions changed suddenly when they heard the words.

A prisoner with several times the shackles not only escaped from prison, but also killed the jailer. This is definitely not something a mortal would do!
Jin Yuan was concentrating on thinking carefully, thinking that during the big wedding, the national teacher was arrested on the spot by General Changsun, and her behavior was already not quite right!
And after that, so many things happened that she even forgot to visit him in the prison!

Recalling that when the jade flute was smashed, the green smoke seemed to penetrate into the body of the national teacher, and a bold guess floated in her heart!

Zhuo Yanchong frowned, thought for a moment, stood up and said, "I'll go and see in the prison myself!"

Changsun Yan was a little hesitant, after all, the situation in the prison was very bad.

"Your Majesty, those... those jailers died a bit miserable, and the last general hasn't sent anyone to clean up the mess..."

Zhuo Yanchong waved his hands, and said in a deep voice, "There's no need to clean up, this matter cannot be delayed!"

Changsun Yan had no choice but to lead the way with Luo Hen.

Seeing this, Jin Yuan pulled Zhuo Yanchong's sleeve and said in a low voice, "I'll go and have a look with you too!"

"Little Yuan Bao'er, it's getting late and you're tired, you should rest in the hall now, wait for me to come back—"

Zhuo Yanchong stroked her hair and persuaded her softly.

Jin Yuan shook her head, her tone was quite firm: "I'm not tired... The matter of the national teacher's escape is no small matter, I think I've seen it, and maybe I can understand what's going on!"

Seeing that Jin Yuan insisted on going, Zhuo Yanchong didn't stop him, but nodded silently, which was regarded as his agreement.

A group of people walked to the door of the prison, and before they stepped down the steps, a bloody smell rushed towards them.

Luo Hen and Changsun Yan lit the torches first, and said cautiously: "Your Majesty, Empress, be careful where you step..."

The steps under my feet were covered with moss, and they were wet and slippery in the middle of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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