Chapter 493 Prison Break 14
When Jin Yuan said this, she shook her head and smiled bitterly: "But the national teacher is no longer just a mortal, and it is not easy to catch him!"

But if you can't get it...

That national teacher who is controlled by the resentful spirit may continue to harm the world!
At that time, no matter how rich the people are, the world will be in chaos!

She finally understood why that spirit body manipulated by the demon in the backyard of the bedroom would speak so wildly of chaos!
Thinking about it now... Could it be that everything has already been calculated? !
If this is the case, then the national teacher who is integrated with the resentful spirit will definitely join forces with that demon to disrupt the world!

But how could the resentful spirit listen to the demon's order and merge with the national teacher? !

Wraiths and spirits originally belonged to the same family, but because they had great grievances during their lifetime, or died unwillingly, the accumulation of grievances became Wraiths!

And the Lingmei clan has never had anything to do with the heavens or the monster clan...

At that time, when the wraith in the jade flute knocked her soul out of her body, she guessed that there was more than one wraith in the jade flute.

I'm afraid it's because of the gathering of many resentful spirits, that's why the power is so powerful!
But she still couldn't figure out how those resentful spirits could be gathered together by the demon...

And how did he use the jade flute to erode the national teacher little by little?
Should she ask Yan Luowang and the judge in the underworld?
"Queen, what did you mean when you said that the national teacher is not a mortal?"

Moran's words interrupted her thoughts.

Jin Yuan came back to her senses, stretched out her hand and patted Moran's shoulder, and said seriously: "Maybe you dare not imagine, but the national teacher must have become a puppet of a demon now... and they did this, and in the end they only dealt with Zhuo Bingshan." !"

"They want to deal with the emperor?"

Moran turned pale with shock, walked back and forth in front of Jin Yuan worriedly, and said anxiously: "But... killing a king is a serious crime, is it possible that the national teacher wants to seek power and usurp the throne?"

Jin Yuan shook her head and did not answer.

How could it be so simple for them to seek power and usurp the throne?
What they want is not just to subvert the world...

In other words, their goals have never been mortals!
(End of this chapter)

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