534 Departure 35
It's just that the poor little God of Wealth is being used as a pawn by the heavens again!
He remembered that Po Jun had no feelings at all...

Could it be that they sent the Little God of Wealth just to use her to break through the divine power sealed on Zhuo Yanchong?
So what happens after breaking through the divine power?
If Zhuo Yanchong recovers all his memories, he will fight against the monsters and avoid another disaster...

But he returned to being the emotionless Po Jun, so the little God of Wealth who likes him is pitiful?

He was just joking with the little God of Wealth, and didn't think about it, so it seems...

The Heaven Realm only regards the Little God of Wealth as a chess piece, and it is just a chess piece that is ignored when it is used up!

If the little God of Wealth finds out one day, I'm afraid he won't be as lively and optimistic as he is now!

In the end, it wasn't the God of War who broke the army... let alone the Little God of Wealth who was at fault!
But those self-righteous gods in the heavens!
"Oh, I don't want to, the more I think about it, the more I get a headache..."

Ming Ye couldn't bear to think about it anymore, patted the shoulder of Junior One, and flew away from the imperial garden.

On the first day of the lunar new year, he quietly looked at the master's figure, knowing what he was worried about, but he had no choice but to sigh softly, and then left the palace.

And Zhuo Yanchong, who left the Royal Garden, passed the letter to Changsun Yan and Luo Hen Du Feige, and then took out from his bosom the colorful feather that Xiao Yuan Baoer gave him before leaving.

What Ming Ye said today had to make him doubt again.

Ming Ye mentioned the God of War like Xiao Yuan Baoer...

And he, in a daze, always felt that these two words were particularly familiar!

Different from the feeling of being confused by blood lotus seeds, the word "God of War" was always faintly beating in his mind.

Remind him that he seems to have forgotten a very important thing!

And in the fight with Ming Ye just now, not only Ming Ye was surprised that his Gu worms were shattered by his palm wind, but even he didn't expect his skill to increase suddenly!

Could it be that this is really because he once possessed divine power?

Since he has divine power, why doesn't he have any memory at all?

Zhuo Yanchong thought for a long time, but couldn't figure out why, so Mo Lan walked in with a cup of ginseng soup.

"Your Majesty, you haven't rested much these days, and this servant specially asked the Imperial Dining Room to cook ginseng soup for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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