The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 537 Get Rid of Wraiths 2

Chapter 537 Get Rid of Wraiths 2
Seeing her struggling continuously, Zejing Ah Li patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Well, I'll go back to the palace for you to have a look, if he's okay, I'll come over and catch up with you... If something really happened, it's a big deal I call Wu Gang and brother Chongming to go!"

Jin Yuan thought for a moment, then asked hesitantly: "But Ah Li, this place is far from the palace, can you make it to the palace in time?"

"Don't forget, I'm Ze Jing...with my little yellow car, I can travel thousands of miles a day!"

A Li blinked, and jumped off her shoulders.

He waved his hand, and a yellow car with the same color as his clothes appeared in the air.

"Then, Ah Li, thank you..."

Seeing this, Jin Yuan said to him gratefully.

"Don't worry, I will go and come back quickly..."

Ah Li waved at her, blinked and smiled, and disappeared in front of her in an instant.

Jin Yuan quietly watched Ah Li disappear in mid-air, took a deep breath, stroked her wrist tied with a red thread, and murmured in her heart: "Zhuo Bingshan, you must be safe..."

Then she pursed the corners of her lips, suppressed the uneasiness in her heart, and continued to fly towards the southeast heavily and resolutely.

After flying for too long, she was startled by a series of heart-piercing cries.

Jin Yuan looked down and saw a group of villagers crying bitterly holding several dead bodies.

The rest of the villagers were watching, and they all shook their heads in disbelief.

"My did you die so badly..."

An old woman wept loudly with her arms around the body of a young boy who was not yet weak.

It's just that the corpse, like the corpses of those jailers, is blue in the face, withered in the body, and the whole body has been sucked out of energy
"Sir, who hurt you..."

Another young woman hugged her dead husband and wept bitterly, with a sad face.

Jin Yuan looked at these corpses one by one, and sure enough, without exception, they all turned blue...

One look and you know it's all done by the Wraith!

Jin Yuan couldn't help frowning, and took back the double glazed bead from her bosom. Sure enough, the luster of the double glazed beads became stronger again.

It seems... the national teacher who is possessed by a resentful spirit should be nearby!
(End of this chapter)

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