The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 544 Get Rid of Wraiths 9

Chapter 544 Get Rid of Wraiths 9
Jin Yuan snorted coldly, pointed at him and scolded, "Isn't it all your fault? You were used by Mrs. Qin, and you took the jade flute she gave you with you like a baby, that's why you were blamed. A resentful spirit possesses you without knowing are doing it yourself!"

Seeing that she mentioned Mrs. Qin and Yu Xiao, Chao Li's soul looked at Jin Yuan in surprise: " do you know these things? Who are you?"

"What am I, don't you have eyes and can't see?"

Jin Yuan folded her arms and looked at him coldly, not giving him a good look.

"That Mrs. Qin was transformed by a demon, but you worship her like a god... Based on this alone, you are not qualified to be a national teacher!"

Chao Li's soul has been shocked by Jin Yuan's words many times, and he will not be able to react for a while, but he just said: "But she promised to help me live forever..."

"Stupid! Is it fun to be an immortal monster?"

When Jin Yuan heard his explanation, she wished she could beat him up.

Just for such a reason, he was used by demons and killed so many innocent lives!

And she didn't forget that it was he who was used by the demon to call her a temptress in front of everyone outside the ancestral temple!
"But you said Mrs. Qin is a demon, and you said a wraith. What's going on?"

Having seen Niutauma's respectful attitude towards Jin Yuan, Chao Li's soul did not dare to refute Jin Yuan's accusation, so he asked with a sneer.

"You just have to remember that everything she did was to cause chaos in the world and the loss of life, that's enough!"

Jin Yuan frowned slightly, and said word by word: "The resentful spirit was originally in the jade flute, and then it infiltrated into your body little by little until it drove your soul out of your body and completely controlled you... To her, you are nothing but It's a puppet, a pawn!"

Hearing the words, Chao Li's soul hurriedly leaned over to Jin Yuan and begged, "Miss Jin Yuan, please help me, let my soul return to my body, and drive away that wraith!"

The anger on Jin Yuan's face dissipated a bit, and she said lightly, "You can help me, but you must obey my orders and never act recklessly, you understand?"

Chao Li's soul hurriedly nodded his thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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